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Blogatica 9y, 219d ago

Hello Brett, I just bought Marked 2 and I love it :)

It is the perfect companion for Ulysses/Typed (yes, I use both!). I know it is totally off topic but does this script still work? →

I ask because I just tried it and I get an error when I run the ruby script:

graceac:dropbox grace$ ruby mindmeister2md.rb
mindmeister2md.rb:127:in `authenticate': undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from mindmeister2md.rb:194:in `<main>'

Maybe it is something I am doing wrong. Is there any particular way we need to wrap the api secret?


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ttscoff 9y, 219d ago

Drop me a line here:

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Metamba 9y, 254d ago

I have markdown documents created using Highlights, a PDF annotation app. In the paragraphs it creates, line breaks are used at the end of each line and indents at the beginning of each new line in the paragraph. Each line in the paragraph is also separated by a blank line.
I was hoping the paragraph unwrap could remove the line breaks and indents excluding the one starting the paragraph. However, it only removed the line breaks, leaving indents(>) in the middle of sentences. Is there any workaround?

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ttscoff 9y, 254d ago

What Highlights creates are blockquotes. Unwrapping block quotes with this service is problematic because they can be nested, and elements can be nested within them. They also respect line breaks automatically, so generally a blockquote with line breaks is intended to be that way. The easiest solution for this on your end would be to unwrap, then search and replace > with a space…

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Metamba 9y, 251d ago


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Patrick Ahles 9y, 264d ago

Looks like the project page wasn't updated.

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ttscoff 9y, 264d ago

2.12 on the project page is current. Are you not seeing that?

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Patrick Ahles 9y, 264d ago

I'm seeing 2.12 indeed. But the newest change in the changelog is from January 9 2014. This date is also in the download "tile".

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ttscoff 9y, 264d ago

My miss. Download is current, though.

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