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David Colmenares 8y, 143d ago

Not working for my, on 10.10.3 (Yosemite...)

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GrugBe 8y, 167d ago

Thanks for that update. Just a question, where is simplenote sync in that version ??

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C.Su 8y, 170d ago

Just a minor question, is it not possible to enable "2.2 take 1" or "take 2" to update via the "Check for Updates..." menu?

I tried checking for updates from one of either "take 1" or "take 2" and I was told that I had the latest version and wouldn't update to "take 2.2."

Obviously, I was able to download the latest manually. However, I just thought it would be simpler for "the masses" if Check for Updates was working in this scenario.

Thanks for all of your efforts with nvALT. Just made my first donation, and look forward to checking out BitWriter!

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ttscoff 8y, 170d ago

I wish I could, but see this comment:

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michaelpporter 8y, 171d ago

I am having issues on Sierra” can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.

Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store and identified developers.

Google downloaded this file today at 12:46 PM from

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ttscoff 8y, 171d ago

I am not sure why this is happening, both the app and the dmg are codesigned. You're not alone, though. The solution is to right click on the app in Finder and choose open. That will bypass it and it shouldn't come up again.

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michaelpporter 8y, 171d ago

Thank you, that did it.

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Yuri Karabatov 8y, 172d ago

The update was unexpected but very welcome, thanks! :) Using nvALT all the time, it's one of those things that you just rely on.

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chris_at_cedarhillsgroup 8y, 172d ago

Thanks for all your work. I love NVALT. Use it all day. I am excited to see its successor you mentioned in another post.

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