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unverified 3y, 362d ago

Thank you so much Brett Terpstra and NaOH KDBO. Great Tips!

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unverified 4y, 53d ago

came here for the "Delete" button. Thank you!

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NaOH KDBO 6y, 272d ago

Minor additions:

In an open or save dialog, ⌘D also works for navigating to the Desktop.

Also in both open or save dialogs, ⌥⌘F moves the cursor to the Search field, just like it does in Finder windows.

In an open dialog, ⌘O works for the Open button (just like Return).

Likewise, in a save dialog, ⌘S works for the Save button (just like Return).

Also in save dialogs, ⌘N selects the New Folder button.

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Greg Godwin 6y, 273d ago

Oh, man! I created a Keyboard Maestro macro a few years ago to allow me to hit the "Delete" when closing an unsaved document, having no idea that a keyboard shortcut for that was built into the OS. Ever since, I've wanted an option to select other similar buttons ("Delete Copy", etc.) but never got around to working on separate shortcuts for all the edge cases I occasionally run into. Now I don't have to worry about this. Thanks for posting it! I just wish I'd known about these before setting up that macro.

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MitchWagner 6y, 273d ago

My brain doesn't seem to be wired to be able to remember many keyboard shortcuts. Any pointers on helping learn them better? I use both CheatSheet and the menubar search workflow in Alfred, which helps a little.

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ttscoff 6y, 273d ago

I try to learn no more than 3 in a day. Look them up, use them instead of a menu or button consistently, and let my muscle memory adapt. You lose them if you don't exercise them :). I'm told I have an uncanny knack for remembering them, though…

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MitchWagner 6y, 273d ago

The muscle memory thing seems like a good tip. Often once I've found the keyboard shortcut using Alfred, I just hit Enter.

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