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Nathan Ambrose 10y, 162d ago

Hi Brett.

That was some great advice. I also use mind maps all the time, from planning a strategy for a blog article to public speaking presentations. I also make them for my clients where appropriate.

As you said, mind mapping really is the most powerful brainstorming tool available. After all, that's how the mind works.

I enjoyed reading that article.


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Carlos 10y, 171d ago

Brett - You should really try this - I've been searching for years - this is the only one I have kept:
Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) -

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Björn 10y, 179d ago

You mentioned using tags in MindMeister and filtering based on them. Do you use the 'Note' field for this or are you relying on an included tag system I just missed when working with MindMeister?

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ttscoff 10y, 179d ago

Oops, that was an error. It's Mindjet MindManager that allows extensive tagging. It's pretty awesome for big maps that you want to easily filter, but not enough on its own to make me switch back. Maybe I can talk Toketaware into adding similar to iThoughts someday...

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MindMeister 10y, 182d ago

Great article, Brett, thanks very much for the mentions!

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bowerbird 10y, 183d ago

> It started as a Macworld piece,

> but I took too long…

oh goodness, did i laugh and laugh at that...

it's one of those things i can go back to repeatedly,
and it makes me laugh every single time. every time!


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