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pairustwo 11y, 226d ago

The wallpaper wizard promotion is not working. The light version that should include the "Redeem" button so that you can enter the code does not have the "Redeem" button included as described. Small bummer.

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Michael F 11y, 226d ago

I'm seeing the same issue.

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EF 11y, 226d ago

same here

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ttscoff 11y, 226d ago

Talked to Coppertino and this should be fixed shortly

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John 11y, 226d ago

Any news on a fix?

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Mark 11y, 226d ago

They changed the instruction on the How To page. Now you go to your profile and upgrade from there...

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John 11y, 226d ago


Thank you,

I saw new instructions on that but it doesn't seem to work either. I have no "upgrade button" anywhere on my profile window.

I have Wallpaper Wizard lite (1.4), previously installed, and the app store tries to upgrade me to (1.4.1) but no matter how many times I hit upgrade it stays v1.4.

I am 10.8.4

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Mark 11y, 226d ago


I am also getting the app store update glitch.

I have Wallpaper Wizard Lite, too. I downloaded it this morning just to get the free upgrade. Before I used the activation code, my profile in the WW app showed a graphic like the one at step 2 on, below where it says "Set your personal info."

It's still called Wallpaper Wizard Lite after the upgrade. It doesn't change it to the full, paid version.

Is it possible you upgraded at some point before?

I am also 10.8.4.

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jaminphx 11y, 226d ago


Thank you for your help.

My copy of WWL may have been part of a software bundle I bought a while back. It was version 1.4 (I checked in the finder) not 1.4.1 as shows in Mac app store. When I update from Mac app store it appears to download but the versions still shows as 1.4.

I tried uninstalling WWL v1.4 (with Hazel), searched spotlight for other files and found a folder, trashed it, then erased it. Restarted computer, re-downloaded WWL but still have v1.4 not 1.4.1. I have tried these steps several times.

The picture you posted shows the originally instructed way to update or upgrade, I never had an option to do it that way. That is when I posted asking about the fix. Now, when I go to my profile looking for an "redeem" option there isn't one and never has had one.

I did email Coppertino but haven't heard back yet.

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ammusk 11y, 225d ago

I had problems getting it to work with the Mac App Store version of Wallpaper Wizard Lite

Instead uninstalled the MAS version and downloaded directly from Coppertino

And the Redeem option showed up!

See conversation for more details

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jaminphx 11y, 225d ago


Thank you. That didn't work for me. Still v1.4 and not able to redeem anywhere in app.

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ammusk 11y, 225d ago

The Redeem option is in the menubar dropdown.

You're not seeing it there either? And you downloaded from directly?

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jaminphx 11y, 225d ago


After your reply I uninstalled WWL v1.4 then downloaded from as you suggested and the redeem option is not available anywhere. Not in the menu bar or in the profile area. I did note one difference with the download and that is the tophat icon in the menu bar is black, not ghosted or grayed out, as it was in the MAS version. Both copies work on my computer.

If I may ask what version is on your computer v1.4 or v1.4.1? Both MAS and show the current version as 1.4.1 although I am only able to get 1.4.


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ammusk 11y, 225d ago

I'm using 1.4 as well.

Have you signed in by creating an account? If not, please do and try the menubar again.

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jaminphx 11y, 225d ago


Did that each time. In fact I created a second account too.

Thanks for all the help, I think I'm done with it at this point.

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ammusk 11y, 225d ago

Perhaps try with @Coppertino on twitter before you give up.

Good luck!

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