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marco 12y, 338d ago

I just got Marked. It works beautifully with my Scrivener projects. Why would I need the ScrivWatcher droplet? I don't see any added functionality. Am I missing something? Thanks

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Brett 12y, 338d ago

If you're running Marked on Lion, Scrivener functionality has been built in since this droplet was created. You don't need it anymore. It's handy if you're running the Snow Leopard version, but I should add a note that Lion users can ignore this :).

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marco 12y, 338d ago

Ah, yes, I am running Lion, that's why. Thanks. Lovely product, Marked. Well done!

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Tristan 13y, 49d ago

Same for me. Thanks.

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Frédéric 13y, 50d ago

I have the same behavior as Tristan with new version : it doesn't start and the terminal output is the same.

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Brett 13y, 49d ago

Could you (and anyone else having issues) test out version 1.4 before I post it and see if it helps? Edit (link to 1.5)

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Frédéric 13y, 49d ago

Version 1.4 works like a charm!

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Tristan 13y, 52d ago

Thank you for your support. Here's the terminal output:

/Users/tristank/Downloads/scrivwatcher.rb:93:in `delete': No such file or directory - /Users/tristank/ScrivWatcher/ScrivWatcher - (Errno::ENOENT)
from /Users/tristank/Downloads/scrivwatcher.rb:93

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Tristan 13y, 52d ago

I closed both apps but nothing is starting after I droped the scriv file into the droplet. Also created a new document as advised.

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Brett 13y, 52d ago

Are you Terminal-savvy enough to try running the raw script? If so, save [this code] as scrivwatcher.rb and make it executable with chmod a+x /path/to/scrivwatcher.rb. Edit the code in the first section to set debug to "true". Then run /path/to/scrivwatcher.rb /path/to/yourdoc.scriv and see if it gives you any helpful messages.

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Tristan 13y, 52d ago

Doesnt work for me. Scrivener and Marked are running. When I drop my scriv file into the droplet nothing happens. Any suggestions?

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Brett 13y, 52d ago

Close both Scrivener and Marked and drop a file, let me know if either one opens or not. Just wondering if it's having trouble starting or after it gets to the parsing part.

Have you tried multiple .scriv files? Also try starting a new project with just a couple of pages and see if that works. Let me know.

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tombarys 13y, 53d ago

Absolutely great! Thanks! Thanks!

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Etherealmind 13y, 54d ago

I've found that if you have more than one Scrivener Project open that Marked doesn't display anything. Not sure if that's a feature or a bug.

Still a great feature for Marked.

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Brett 13y, 53d ago

Open in Scrivener? I'm not having any trouble, as long as I only view one document in Marked at a time. It always uses the same temp preview file, so multiple Scrivener projects can't currently be previewed in Marked...

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Paul 13y, 54d ago

Pure awesomeness....


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Frédéric 13y, 54d ago

Really wonderful!! At last, I can smoothly write in markdown (with equations) in scrivener and follow the preview. Thanks. :o)))
One point : when reorganizing the scrivener document and saving, the preview doesn't update.

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Brett 13y, 53d ago

It's because it's only watching for changes within the document folder of the bundle, and reorganizing only modifies the XML file outside of that folder. I can add it to be watched, but for now it will update as soon as you make another change in the document text.

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Frédéric 13y, 53d ago

ok. As it is, it's a big progression for my writing flow. Thanks again.

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Brett 13y, 52d ago

Fixed this in 1.1, download above.

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Mathew 13y, 54d ago

I don't recall if I closed everything before opening a new one when I first tested. But in subsequent tests I definitely have closed everything. Also repaired permissions, logged out, restarted, etc.

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Mathew 13y, 54d ago

Wow, thanks for this! I seem to be noticing a bug (or I'm doing something wrong). ScrivWatcher seems to "remember" the first Scrivener project I drag to it. If I close, then open with a second project it still wants to preview the initial project file. So I have no idea how to switch ScrivWatch to preview 2 different projects currently. I'm guessing this is a bug, but may be wrong.

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Brett 13y, 54d ago

I'll take a look at it this afternoon. Are you closing everything (ScrivWatch, Marked and Scrivener project) before opening a new one? Just curious.

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Brett 13y, 52d ago

Just updated the download on this page to 1.1, could you download and see if you still have the same issue?

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Mathew 13y, 52d ago

Seems to now work fine with 4 Scrivener projects, but shows nothing, zilch with a fifth. Weird. I can send you a link to the "bad" Scrivener project if you want. Don't know why there's a hang up with just this one.

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