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Terp 11y, 315d ago

I was having spotty results until I cleared out the QuickLook thumbnail cache. The location varies, but it'll be under /private/var/folders/.../ I moved the 300+ mb file to my desktop and rebooted. After that, I still had to open Launchpad and drag the corrupt icons to fix them (but at least it worked).

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WordsAreCheap 11y, 334d ago

Alas... doesn't work for me neither.

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Robert Sica 11y, 339d ago

FYI didn’t work for me either, I have had the issue noted of an icon being blurry for a week or two then returning to normal.

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Dan Davidson 11y, 340d ago

I get this a lot, at the moment Chrome looks like a blown up 16x16 icon. I have tried clearing caches, fixing permissions, same results. It is very bizarre.

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Christopher Mackay 11y, 340d ago

Sadly, this didn't help me; not even with my fuzzy icon. ;)

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Conrad 11y, 341d ago

Hmm.... doesn't help with fuzzy custom folder icons; I have to restart.

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