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ZippyDanbrettterpstra 4y, 349d ago

What if I have multiple windows AND tabs? I'd like to be able to automate this to save my entire session at once.

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Brian Kammer 9y, 160d ago

Brett, I changed the DB user ID in the Workflow script. The workflow starts, but then encounters this error: ![](https://dl.dropboxuserconte..., and end result is nothing happens.

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neilmaclean 9y, 197d ago

Hi Brett, this is great. I saved it as an app and it works really well. I know this is an edge case but when I run it via Alfred, the Name This Collection window doesn't have focus. I know, I'm lazy. Any idea how to get it to have focus for immediate input? Thanks!

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ttscoff 9y, 197d ago

That's an Automator issue, its dialogs suck at taking focus when becoming key. The ideal situation would be to build an Alfred-specific version using the shell script in the Run Shell Script action. Then you could input a title directly in Alfred. There's technically no need for Automator in this, the Ruby script can run on its own just fine.

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Leo He 9y, 197d ago

Awesome!I would like to know to use Safari, what I need to do?

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ttscoff 9y, 197d ago

It was supposed to work automatically, but Dr. Drang pointed out that there's a mistake in the Safari AppleScript code. I'll upload a new version today, but if you want to fix it in the meantime, see this change:

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