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Tr0y 11y, 259d ago

From Germany, the youtube video can't be watched:
"Unfortunately, this EMI-music-content is not available in Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights.
Sorry about that."

Is there maybe a version of the video without EMI-owned music in the background? ^^

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ttscoff 11y, 259d ago

Here's a silent version :).

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Tr0y 11y, 259d ago

Thanks a lot! (for both the video and the mind-blowingly cool bookmarklet)

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Michael The Geek  11y, 260d ago

Wonderful. 

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Dave Metzener 11y, 260d ago

I am loving this! In the past, I have done by hand what this bookmarklet does. A ton of work, but now I can just use this! Awesome!

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ttscoff 11y, 260d ago

Glad you dig it. Check back in about 10 minutes and there will be an updated version that works out a couple of annoyances. Or, just grab the already-updated version on Github:

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Dave Metzener 11y, 260d ago

Nice! It's amazing what you can do with Javascript and the know-how to actually do cool stuff with it.

Is there a way to be notified of changes made to that Gist/Github project? I seem to remember a way to follow a project, but I don't see that now. (It's been a while since I last visited Github.

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ttscoff 11y, 260d ago

I don't think you can get notifications on a gist. Which is sad, because I just found a mistake that left the space out between the "-" and the "[" so the list formatting wasn't working. Fixed now.

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Dave Metzener 11y, 260d ago

That's a shame... I'll keep my eye on this one. I am really digging it! It's already saved me a bunch of time!

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