I hadn't thought about actually digging into the keybindings. Genius. I'm a Keyboard Maestro + LaunchBar junkie with all kinds of navs, scripts, and RegEx text filters attached to my standard keys "dynamically" based on conditionals and other "activation modifiers", but many of the 2-or-so thousand (!) macros/scripts use ugly workarounds. This article opened up a whole new world I look forward to exploring. Thanks!
I've not had any user KeyBindings before, but I believe I've installed the files correctly. So far, though, I can't find an editing app where even a simple command -- eg, ^w for select word -- works. In some apps the cursor changes when I press ctrl to show a small icon to the right of the cursor, which I guess is trying to be a contextual menu. But I can't find anything in my system preferences where non-standard behaviour with the control key is selected. I've turned off TextExpanded and BetterTouchTool, and this doesn't help either. I'm running latest version of OS X.
Does anyone know what this icon means, and whether it should cause the DefaultKeyBinding.dict file to fail?
I don't know what the icon would be, but it shouldn't have anything to do with the keybindings. Just so it's clear, ^w is a system-wide default command for deleting a word backwards. In my bindings, Opt-W is the shortcut for select word.
Apps have to be restarted after the ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict is saved. No changes show up until you restart any app. If you launched the apps after saving the file, then something else is wrong. If a reboot doesn't fix it, feel free to contact me and I'll try and help you troubleshoot.
Thanks, Brett. I'm really wanting these to work, as I've been after something like these for quite a while. I'm running 10.7.3 on a MBP, and my keys are labelled fn/ctrl/alt/cmd ... I'd assumed the ^ meant ctrl, but if it means opt, then I assume that maps to alt for me. Anyway, with alt-w I do seem to get the right effect in this comment box in Chrome, but not in TextWrangler (where it types ∑) which is my main text editor. So, with your tip, it is at least working, and I'll now dig into why TextWrangler isn't compatible. (Unless you know of a reason already why it can't ...?)
TextWrangler appears to override DefaultKeyBinging.dict. TextMate does the same. I basically use these to emulate the convenience of working in TextMate/Sublime Text when I'm stuck in web text fields and TextEdit, etc. They work where I need them to, but advanced editors often have their own defaults.
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