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Sebastian Raschka 11y, 161d ago

I am more the simplicity type of guy using a bare bones approach if possible, because the more features a tool has, the more distracted I become. However, this is a great article with a wealth of good ideas. Definitely try some of the things out and see if it could benefit my workflow. I tried mind aping, and - although Tony Buzan wouldn't accept this statement - I found out that I work better with hierarchies. This is also way I prefer brainstorming to happen in a blank textfile so I can move stuff around and group and add to topics and subtopics

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mind map nerd 11y, 207d ago

Have you tried the open source, I have been using for a few years, it has a lot of nice features such as the possibility of splitting a map in linked submaps (sheets). On the other hand, the UI need some work to feel like a true Mac app. Additional features are only available in the commercial version.

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ttscoff 11y, 207d ago

I used XMind back in the day, and always liked it's F9 drill-down and the map splitting you mention. I haven't used the most recent incarnation, but I tried it again recently enough to know that the interface kills me.

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Mike Wilson 11y, 209d ago

You mentioned using OPML and issues with import into OmniFocus. Could you not just import directly from OmniOutliner?

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Stigwhistle 11y, 209d ago

What do you think about the new iThoughtsX for Mac?

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ttscoff 11y, 209d ago

As I added in the post, I think it's awesome. Missing a couple of important features, but I talked to the dev and he's adding them already. Should be an _excellent_ app when those are complete!

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