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Vladimir 14y, 170d ago

Excellent! Thank you! But how I can delete thing, what I not use? Like Webbla, Delibar,DEVONthink…

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btadmin 14y, 170d ago

Hi Vladimir,

See the "Removing HUD Buttons" section on this post.

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Help! 14y, 218d ago


I've tried editing out (deleting) the additional HUD buttons, but the hud-exit button is now at the next line, right below the zoom out HUD button. There is an empty space at the end of the HUD bar for where the HUD exit button should be.

Please help!


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Michael 14y, 257d ago

The download link seems to be down.

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btadmin 14y, 257d ago

Thanks for the heads up. Fixed now.

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Horace 14y, 266d ago

Really nice work! Please keep it up.

Hope one day we have it like a bookmarklet then we can do the same on the iPad :)

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Zeljko Babic 14y, 270d ago

I really like how it looks, but ... could you please add an option for black background and mouse gesture controlled dimmer like here:

Thank you for very much for your effort.

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Christina Warren 14y, 277d ago

I'm still including this in my Safari Extensions roundup feature. In deference to the haters -- I think this is awesome and of course it is a hack - it's a hack that people who love to tinker and manipulate will love.

Thanks Brett!

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F451 14y, 277d ago

Thank you for your work in this exceptionally conceived and executed Safari Reader solution! Easily replaced Apple's as my choice for the Reader.

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