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aout 9y, 118d ago

Just so you know, ⌥; is only the keyboard shortcut for U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS in a US keyboard layout. To steal from arm’s comment on Hacker News:

Of course, Apple’s advice for typing U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS (…) (typing ⌥;) is only accurate if you’re using a US keyboard layout. The key combination will be different in other keyboard layouts. For example, in the 'Canadian French - CSA' keyboard layout, typing ⌥; will give you U+00B0 DEGREE SIGN instead (which makes sense if you actually look at a French ISO layout keyboard, like this one or this one). On that keyboard layout, to get U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, you’d actually type ⌥⇧L (option-shift-L).


Hah, this is interesting. MacHeist just added PopChar X to their bundle, so I tried it out, and I was surprised to find it actually shows the keyboard shortcut for your selected character (if any exists) based on your current keyboard layout. That’s pretty convenient.

Taken from this comment thread.

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lucianf 9y, 121d ago

Hi Brett. Can you comment on how you differentiate between "Arrange By" and "Sort By" options? I'd like to map a few options as you mentioned, but only for sorting (I don't care about grouping). However since they have the same names under the two menus, and the default one is "Arrange By" (accessing sorting requires Option pressed) I get the mappings applied to grouping only. Any idea how to map, say, "sort by date"?

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maclm 9y, 121d ago

@lucianf:disqus, you have to recreate the menu structure, starting from the menu entry visible in the menu bar, separating items using `->` without any additional space.

Example : `Presentation->Sort by->Name` will work along side with `Presentation->Arrange by->Name`

Hope that helps.

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lucianf 9y, 117d ago

Excellent, many thanks for the tip!

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