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AJ 8y, 70d ago

I'm curious: why did you choose to pay for Feedbin instead of use a free service like Feedly?

It's definitely something I considered when Google took away my beloved Reader, as well as have glanced at from time to time over the years since, but in the end, I don't see any tangible, sustainable benefit from using the paid service.

I use Reeder with Stars to keep track of worthwhile articles. I use Readkit with filtered Smart Folders (the one feature that has kept Readkit on my Mac) to organize starred posts.

Previously I would have said that better integrated search functionality could have swayed me, but then that is precisely the reason I finally, and begrudgingly, finally made the jump to Pinboard.

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Seeking a man for sex at my ho 8y, 43d ago
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Rob 8y, 72d ago

Thanks for sharing: as always, very interesting. Happy 2017 as well!

> Despite the proliferation of “read later” services and Instapaper premium features recently becoming free, Pinboard remains both my primary bookmarking platform and my “read later” workflow.

I'd love if you could share more about your pinboard workflow, including "read later" functionality. I'm currently struggling using both Pinboard and Instapaper at the same time and I end up never knowing where to pin something or where I pinned something...

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ttscoff 8y, 69d ago

Spillo is the key factor for me with Read Later stuff. There are iOS apps that can serve the purpose as well. Spillo can present my saved articles in an RSS reader type layout, and makes it easy to mark read/unread with keyboard shortcuts.

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