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Keith Rollin 10y, 306d ago

Hi Brett. I don't have Ruby installed, so I came up with a version that used `sed` instead. Here's a breakdown of what the function does:

* Strips white spaces from the input parameter.
* Converts input parameter to have [^/]* after every character.
* Uses the resulting pattern to find a match between two /'s (while also prefixing the pattern with [^/]*).
* If a match is found, return everything up to the end of the match, stripping off any trailing test.

function _up()
local rx
rx=$(echo "$1" | sed -e "s/\s\+//g" -e "s/\(.\)/\1[^\/]*/g")
echo -n $(pwd | sed -e "s/\(.*\/[^\/]*${rx}\)\/.*/\1/")

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Aaron Bach 10y, 309d ago

Sidenote: speaking of bashmarks... Not sure it's under active maintenance anymore. :( It has a few important pull requests lingering.

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Patrick Ahles 10y, 309d ago

Your sentaku link is not quite correct...

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ttscoff 10y, 309d ago

Argh. SearchLink and lack of sleep...

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Robert Audi 10y, 309d ago

If used with ZSH, there will be an error with this line:

updir=`echo $PWD | ruby -e "print*\/$rx[^\/]*\/).*/i,'\1')"`

To fix it, you need to surround $rx with curly braces:

updir=`echo $PWD | ruby -e "print*\/${rx}[^\/]*\/).*/i,'\1')"`

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ttscoff 10y, 309d ago

Tested and fixed, thanks!

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Bernd Goldschmidt 10y, 309d ago

Here is an improvement for gt our sysadmin wrote to avoid jumping to ~ if you are not within a git repository and to avoid strange output on opening a terminal:

alias gt='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || (echo "."; echo "Not within a git repository" >&2))'

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ttscoff 10y, 309d ago

That's great. Thanks!

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