I'd like some sort of auto show/hide feature for the notes list. When I'm searching, I want it to show, but when editing, not so much. Right now, if you have the notes list hidden, it doesn't show when focus moves to the search bar, and doesn't show when then pressing up/down even though you are moving up/down the hidden list.
I was thinking that when in the search bar or navigating the list, it should expand to a max size set by the divider when in that mode, and change to a minimum size set by the divider when focus is in the edit pane. However, in non-widescreen mode, the top of the edit window would jump around unless you put the list pane at the bottom.
Your changes break underlining for any URL that contains parentheses:
You're right, sorry about that. Looks like I'll have to resort to regular expressions to find the links. The problem was that the primary Markdown link format, [text](link)
, was picking up the parenthesis in several functions and thereby breaking them. I'll change things around for the next release and come up with a better fix.
Thanks for the heads up.
Hi. After using NV for some years I really like what you've done with the Alt version. Actually, I liked the blue background - restful on the eyes and a good colour so I hope an option for something similar emerges soon. Thanks again.
The divider between the list of files and the content is white, making it effectively invisible except for the dot that is used to resize it. Not sure if it is intentional or not, but it looks a bit strange to my eye.
I actually preferred having the blue color to differentiate between the two panes. I'm eager to get the option to put it (or something like it) back.
I don't mind the loss of the blue so much as the lack of even a grey line between the divider and each pane. That's really inexcusable. At least iTunes has a single line. I had gone back to list on top mode, but either way is annoying like IDE text editors that have a left gutter for breakpoints and bookmarks that has the same background color or no divider line, so clicking on the start of the line versus toggling a breakpoint becomes tricky.
To clarify, you shouldn't have to color the panes differently to see the divider. An alternative is to make the affordance grip go all the way across instead of being just a single dot.
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