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unverified 3y, 216d ago

I am getting syntax when I run "doing config".

/usr/local/bin/doing:22:inload': /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/doing-1.0.69/bin/doing:1340: syntax error, unexpected ']' (SyntaxError) ...s = args.length > 1 ? args[1..].map { |t| t.sub(/^@/, '').st... ... ^ /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/doing-1.0.69/bin/doing:1340: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting keyword_end ...{ |t| t.sub(/^@/, '').strip } : [] ... ^ from /usr/local/bin/doing:22:in `<main>' ´

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NeelsK 4y, 240d ago

Hi Brett, A bit late to your post, such is life. I've been using the heck out of doing and love it. Two changes I've made:

  1. Report time in increments. Can be set to any number of minutes in the config file (defaults to 15). Makes time reporting to our timesheet system easier.
  2. Auto add a @took tag based on the above. Also makes reporting easier (I don't use notes, so no multiline entries)

The next thing I'm thinking of changing is to restructure the lines to have all tags at either the start or end of the line.

Anyways, thanks for a great tool.


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