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Norm Copeland 11y, 100d ago

Great update! Any chance we'll have the ability use metadata of our choosing in the header/footer? An example would be a document version number, etc.

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ttscoff 11y, 100d ago

If you have the latest update, it already does :). Just put %md_ before the key.

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Norm Copeland 11y, 100d ago

woohoo! Thanks!

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Matt Stein 11y, 105d ago

I can honestly say I've never been this excited about page numbers. Thanks Brett!

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Tracy Jo Bob Winchell 11y, 106d ago

Brett! You have inspired me in so many ways. In fact, I plan to participate in your podcast audition. Not so much as a real audition, but as a way to say thank you and to share with you some of the specific ways your technology and your focus have impacted me.

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Sean Higgins 11y, 106d ago

Wow. Page numbers. This is truly fantastic! Thanks for all your work to make print great.

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