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David Kizler 10y, 179d ago

I love these keybindings. Have you found a good way to integrate them with Sublime Text?

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ttscoff 10y, 179d ago

You have to recreate them in Sublime, as Sublime doesn't recognize system keybindings. Most of it is existing functionality, though, and just has different keystrokes.

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David Kizler 10y, 178d ago

Thanks Brett!

Here's a very preliminary start to changing some Sublime Keybindings to match up with these for anyone interested.

Bookmarks (alt+1,alt+2), select word (alt+w) and select line (alt+s) seem to work without any changes to Sublime Keybinding settings so I didn't need to include these.

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Adam Claxon 10y, 201d ago

How can I use, say, ⌥S (or ⌥⇧S) without typing ß (or Í)?

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ttscoff 10y, 201d ago

$ represents the shift key. `~$s`

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Adam Claxon 10y, 201d ago

I should have been more clear: hitting ⌥s on my keyboard inserts the character “ß” (in the same way the ⌥z inserts “Ω”), instead of acting like a keyboard shortcut, and I’m not sure how to disable this functionality.

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ttscoff 10y, 201d ago

In all apps? Because for me, keybindings override international keys just fine.

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Adam Claxon 10y, 201d ago

You’re right; I had only used it in a couple of apps (Atom being one of them), and failed to test it everywhere. Thanks!

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Sebastian Nash 10y, 206d ago

Are there KeyBinding commands that can move the cursor via subword (i.e. in Xcode, ^→ inserts the cursor between camelCased words).

There's an open Ask Different question on this topic that may explain it better.

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Sean Hussey 10y, 211d ago

These are fantastic, thank you!

Is there a way to exclude certain applications from using any KeyBindings in particular? I love the TextMate-like newline, but soon after enabling it, I discovered I couldn't use the keyboard to send mail from either or Outlook.

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ttscoff 10y, 211d ago

No way to exclude apps with the DefaultKeybindings file. You can always pick a different key combination, though. Or just use ⌘⇧D to send mail :).

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Sean Hussey 10y, 211d ago

See, that's the weird thing. On my home machine, which has a user account I've migrated from machine to machine and OS to OS since 2003, ⌘⇧D works, but ⌘↩ does not.

On my work machine, which was a clean install and did not involve a migration, ⌘⇧D doesn't work at all, but ⌘↩ does.

Anyway, I'll do without this particular binding on my work machine. Thanks!

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Charlie Bucher 10y, 211d ago

These are fantastic. Everyday I find more and more that makes my switch to Mac well worth it. I am having problems with the hyphenate words binding though. In Sublime Text 2 it only seems to replace each word entirely with a hyphen, rather than hyphenate them. In nvAlt, it does nothing. Everything else works wonderfully though, and I'll test it in some different editors.

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ttscoff 10y, 211d ago

I haven't figured out why it doesn't work in nvALT yet. It should...

Sublime Text overrides a lot of keybindings. So does TextMate. Xcode doesn't read them at all. In those I generally create my own macros/keybindings using their native features.

Takes some experimentation :).

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Charlie Bucher 10y, 211d ago

Thanks for some clarification. Experimentation is where the fun is! Cheers.

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clarkeching 10y, 211d ago

Now that's soooooo handy! The one thing I've missed since switching from Word on Windows to Scrivener on OS X is the single keystrokes to move paragraphs up and down. You've made my day. Thanks!

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