I love these keybindings. Have you found a good way to integrate them with Sublime Text?
You have to recreate them in Sublime, as Sublime doesn't recognize system keybindings. Most of it is existing functionality, though, and just has different keystrokes.
Thanks Brett!
Here's a very preliminary start to changing some Sublime Keybindings to match up with these for anyone interested.
Bookmarks (alt+1,alt+2), select word (alt+w) and select line (alt+s) seem to work without any changes to Sublime Keybinding settings so I didn't need to include these.
How can I use, say, ⌥S (or ⌥⇧S) without typing ß (or Í)?
$ represents the shift key. `~$s`
I should have been more clear: hitting ⌥s on my keyboard inserts the character “ß” (in the same way the ⌥z inserts “Ω”), instead of acting like a keyboard shortcut, and I’m not sure how to disable this functionality.
In all apps? Because for me, keybindings override international keys just fine.
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These are fantastic, thank you!
Is there a way to exclude certain applications from using any KeyBindings in particular? I love the TextMate-like newline, but soon after enabling it, I discovered I couldn't use the keyboard to send mail from either Mail.app or Outlook.
No way to exclude apps with the DefaultKeybindings file. You can always pick a different key combination, though. Or just use ⌘⇧D to send mail :).
See, that's the weird thing. On my home machine, which has a user account I've migrated from machine to machine and OS to OS since 2003, ⌘⇧D works, but ⌘↩ does not.
On my work machine, which was a clean install and did not involve a migration, ⌘⇧D doesn't work at all, but ⌘↩ does.
Anyway, I'll do without this particular binding on my work machine. Thanks!
These are fantastic. Everyday I find more and more that makes my switch to Mac well worth it. I am having problems with the hyphenate words binding though. In Sublime Text 2 it only seems to replace each word entirely with a hyphen, rather than hyphenate them. In nvAlt, it does nothing. Everything else works wonderfully though, and I'll test it in some different editors.