I've noticed that the HTML -> Markdown service doesn't work quite as well as the web-based markdownifier...particularly when it comes to multi-paragraph block quotes (the Markdown service converts them to one long paragraph). I also compose a fair amount when I am not online. What would you suggest to make a decent workflow?
For some reason in the Services menu, the Blockquote service is showing up as "md - Code Block to Blockquote" rather than "md - Paragraphs - Blockquote" as you would expect based on the name.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18... tried several things, reinstalling services, renaming the file, and couldn't get the name to change. Finally, I rebuilt the service using the code from the workflow and saved it as a new service and renamed it to "md - Paragraphs - Blockquote" and it worked. I'm clueless as to why it might be doing this, but it's happened on both computers I've installed the Services on.Thanks for your great work on these.