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Chris L 12y, 3d ago

I've noticed that the HTML -> Markdown service doesn't work quite as well as the web-based markdownifier...particularly when it comes to multi-paragraph block quotes (the Markdown service converts them to one long paragraph). I also compose a fair amount when I am not online. What would you suggest to make a decent workflow?

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robertirish 12y, 10d ago

Hi Brett, as of last few minutes have had an issue with the Auto-link service - says the Workflow encountered an error. It was working up until about 10 minutes ago. Strangely the Wikipedia link service still works great.

Thanks for these tools - they are invaluable!


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Dan 12y, 14d ago

For some reason in the Services menu, the Blockquote service is showing up as "md - Code Block to Blockquote" rather than "md - Paragraphs - Blockquote" as you would expect based on the name. tried several things, reinstalling services, renaming the file, and couldn't get the name to change. Finally, I rebuilt the service using the code from the workflow and saved it as a new service and renamed it to "md - Paragraphs - Blockquote" and it worked. I'm clueless as to why it might be doing this, but it's happened on both computers I've installed the Services on.Thanks for your great work on these.

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davidosomething 12y, 23d ago

"Convert to chrome tabs" just froze up my chrome. Did it on some text I randomly highlighted in the URL bar of chrome itself.

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 23d ago

You mean "md - Links - Chrome Tabs"? That shouldn't even show up with text highlighted. It's meant to be run with no selection and inserts a Markdown list of all your chrome tab links.

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DaveEveritt 12y, 23d ago

Minimum OS X version required? Ah, just seen 'Lion, possibly Snow Leopard, even Leopard'. I'll come back here and edit this comment if it goes belly-up on either of the latter two.

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 23d ago

Don't know with this latest release, let me know if you have trouble. No guarantees on anything below Lion, but I would think that should work.

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