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CarpeDiscus 10y, 117d ago

Loving these CLI apps.

At the risk of being annoying, how is this better than just searching Google again? Intermittent Internet connectivity? No ads?

It seems like when I search for an answer over and over it gets autocompleted better as I remember a keyword or two, or I at least see its a visited link or something, and I just find on the page.

Totally curious here; if it works a lot better then I'll be delighted.

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Patrick Ahles 10y, 136d ago

Awesome! Didn't know what to think of this until I found myself trying to remember where I saw the answer to a question I knew I tried to lookup already.

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chrisWhite 10y, 158d ago

Whoa. This rocks! Thank you Brett!

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technovangelist 10y, 165d ago

which stack exchange sites does it work with? Its claiming ServerFault isnt a stack exchange site but it is.

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ttscoff 10y, 165d ago

Hm. I built it for StackOverflow, not realizing how many stackexchange sites didn't have the stackexchange domain in their url. I'll just lift the check entirely and let it work wherever it's able.

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technovangelist 10y, 163d ago

awesome, thanks

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shai 10y, 166d ago

Can you add https support for the cdn? Thanks!

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ttscoff 10y, 165d ago

unfortunately, no. I don't have SSL set up on this server at all. Where are you having trouble loading it?

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Giuseppe Pessia 10y, 168d ago

OT. which extensions you use in chrome ?

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ttscoff 10y, 168d ago

Enough that it would warrant an entire post.

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BjornIvarsson 10y, 168d ago

Very nice! It seems to work with pages that are under It doesn't work with which I (at least believe) is part of StackExchange. Could the bookmarklet be modified to handle it? I would really like use it for that site. Anyways, thanks for this great bookmarklet!

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ttscoff 10y, 168d ago

Fixed for the next update. Will try to have it up in an hour or two.

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BjornIvarsson 10y, 168d ago

Thanks a lot!

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D. Calpe 10y, 168d ago

Very cool ! Thank you Brett.

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Maximilian Schaufler 10y, 169d ago

Boom. Give my thanks to "That Terpstra guy" =P

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PDXIII 10y, 169d ago

Man, do you wear a big S on your chest and your red underpants over your trousers? This awesome!

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jimbosveld 10y, 169d ago

Very nice! Thanks Brett.

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Kevin 10y, 170d ago

Awesome. Thank you!

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