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Dinobib 13y, 206d ago

Allright, thanks. It's really a great timesaver and I will enjoy a new version.

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Dinobib 13y, 206d ago

Maybe it's because of Lion but it doesn't seems to work at least for me.
I have Macruby installed and I hope you could fix it soon.

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Brett 13y, 206d ago

It's because Yahoo sunset their search API and I haven't rewritten this service yet. I'll put out a new version soon.

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Lri 13y, 314d ago

I had the same idea, but used ajax.googleapis and FastScripts instead: insert lucky markdown.rb | Gist.

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Michel Rose 14y, 182d ago

Brett, this is fan-tas-tic! You keep on developing really, really neat stuff that is almost exactly what I need!

The ability to grab links right in TextMate is unbelievably helpful, saves a lot of copy-paste, mistakes and time.

I don't believe in God, but if I did you would be one of my guardian angels!

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