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Josh 14y, 7d ago

This is really nice. So far, the only thing I would add is the ability to differieniate between 'read' and 'unread' items in Pinboard. I use that feature a lot to 'read' later items that are not Instapaper-type reading, but more, "I should download this thing and try it out, etc." For example, your scripts and snippets fall into this category. Thanks for providing this - if I happen to add in CSS selectors for read/unread I'll pass it upstream to you.

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Brett 14y, 7d ago

The difference is there, it's just subtle. On my screen it's enough to tell at a scan, but you might want to track down that selector and add some more contrast…

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Josh 14y, 7h ago

Oh, you are right. I see it now; it is very subtle. I guess I'm used to the differing contrast of the orange from the default style. Honestly, I usually just click the 'unread' link at the top of the page to group them all together for a quick go-through, anyway.

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~liz 14y, 8d ago

Love your profile picture. Too funny!

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