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unverified 4y, 288d ago

"Setting up a non-root Git server on Synology DiskStation"


"Substitute your admin user name anywhere it says “USERNAME,”.." ..

"At this point, if all went well, we should be able to ssh into the server without a password prompt:


pssst: you are still root, and all users still have to be admin to connect via SSH on a Synology NAS. Maybe the title of this should be "Setting up non-password Git server on Synology DiskStation"

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unverified 6y, 3d ago

I know this is an old post, but it took this post plus advice from happygitwithr to figure out I had to use ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa to get my OS to know which key to send. Thanks for the help and the adventure of learning that extra step. ;)

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Matt 6y, 190d ago

Do I understand correctly that this is using git on the synology with an account that is not root, but which DOES still have to be an admin? Synology's help on the git server implies you can use it with regular users since they state it uses a special shell for git users, but practically nothing seems to work unless the user that owns the git stuff is an admin, which I wanted to avoid.

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marc chanler 6y, 201d ago

thanks for this -- very much appreciated! Though everything works well through the command line, I wanted to use Tower but can't seem to get around a permissions issue with the config file I setup... When I try to clone a repo through Tower, it fails because there is no access to ~/.ssh/config. Initially its permissions were 644, but i tried setting to 700 and 755 with no success. Do you by chance have a recommendation for addressing this so that I can manage my Synology-hosted repos through Tower? Many thanks again for this guide!

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ttscoff 6y, 201d ago

Mine is set to 600 and working fine with Tower...

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Gleb Reys 6y, 214d ago

congrats and thanks for the guide, will give it a try on my synology.

pS: think you meant passwordless and not keyless

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ttscoff 6y, 214d ago

Fair point :)

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Simon Recovery 6y, 223d ago

Thanks Brett for this. I was able to generate the keys, but then ran into this:

>Could not chdir to home directory /var/services/homes/USERNAME: No such file or directory

Any ideas on pointing me in the right direction to solve?

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Simon Recovery 6y, 223d ago

Commented too soon: https://www.chainsawonatire...

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Daniel K. 6y, 232d ago

Nice article, Brett. Lately, I switched to GiTea on my Synology NAS. It‘s not available in the store, but there is a GitHub project to create a package. I like that approach even more than the git server as it offers a number of additional features.

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ttscoff 6y, 231d ago

Oh nice! I was wondering if there was a similar package available. For anyone looking:

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