Have you considered not involving any third-parties at all and self-host your commenting system? It’s better for reader privacy to not use a centralized hosted system that collects all their data in one place.
If you want to go down this path, then take a look at something like Isso: https://posativ.org/isso/
I love what you’re doing with removing as much tracking as possible, pity everyone else won’t be following your lead especially now there are fridges tracking your every move (Walgreens trial) 😁. Only issue I can see with the new comments section is that the preview could do with some leading (line spacing), though don’t know if that’s within your control. Well done and keep it up.
Hi Brett, @maclm here. I'm both surprised and honored to be mentioned in this post! But more importantly, I'm glad, my little comment trigged you to make one more privacy move :)
Regarding Remarkbox, I need to test it out further but find it somewhat confusing for the moment (can't find a way to log back in).
Your previous post on privacy made me move to Cloudflare for my DNS, and was considering moving away from Gmail but then I stumbled upon this. I'de be curious to read your take on this.
I've kept my Gmail account for now. I don't love that Google scans my email, but for me it just comes down to laziness at this point. Gmail provides many good features that I can't easily replicate in other services, so I'm making the tradeoff. I think that article makes some good points while also brushing off the implications of Big Data collecting very personal information from us.
Kudos for deleting Disqus!
Another free hosted alternative for your consideration: https://comment.sh/