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NewPerfection 5y, 243d ago [edited]

Posts like this make me happy! I don't mind unobtrusive and non-tracking ads, as I realize that running a website costs money and it's good to make back at least some of that money spent. I went ahead and whitelisted your site in my script blocker and ad blocker. I hate when I visit sites that try to load scripts from 10+ different domains, including ad trackers and such. Makes me want to avoid using those sites as much as possible.

I am still not seeing any ads on your site though. I'm using the latest Firefox on Windows 10 at the moment if that matters.

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Brett 5y, 241d ago

Re not seeing the ad: Note that I hide the ad on smaller devices and in full desktop mode it's only shown when the scroll is "above the fold". It hides in the sidebar as you scroll down the page. (That part is just a leftover from when I had more content in the sidebar and needed the space, I intend to remove it).

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unverified 5y, 243d ago

You had me at "single ad". This write up also prompted me to unblock ads here.

Now, how about an nvUltra update :)


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unverified 5y, 243d ago

🙌 Advertising doesn't have to be creepy to work. Glad to have you onboard, Brett!

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