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paulpalinkas 4y, 204d ago

Thanks for Bunch, it's helping me quite a bit in my new context-free work-play-live-everything-from-home world. Can you tell me what method you're using to toggle Do Not Disturb? It doesn't seem to be directly AppleScriptable.I'd like to figure out a way to programmatically disable DND, then re-enable it after an hour. (This feature is coming in Big Sur, but with all the videoconferencing I’m doing lately, I need it now.)

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unverified 4y, 50d ago [edited]

I made a do not disturb for 1 hour bunch by delaying the turn on. I added the turn back on when closing in case I turn off the bunch for some reason I won't forget to toggle notifications. This does mess with your global DND settings but oh well. It is a work around snooze that seems to work.

'# Do not disturb for 1 hour (3600 seconds)

(dnd on)

(dnd off) ~3600

'# Run this when closing the bunch to automatically turn notifications back on

!(dnd off)

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Brett 4y, 204d ago

It uses core foundation code, not something I think can be accomplished through any form of scripting. You can, however, use Bunch’s ‘raw’ url handler to run just that function from a script…

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