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sulbyTep 5y, 201d ago

So excited about the "any folder, multiple folders at once" feature of nvUltra! I can in principle search and get any note I want from nvALT, but organization-wise it makes more sense if I can have notes under folders for different projects and different purposes. Thank you so much for the great work!

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Blumenberg 5y, 206d ago

Somehow I start to get used to the idea to switch away from Simplenote and do it w/ iCloud w/ e.g. IA Writer, 1Writer or whatever. BUT: is there a way to take my tags w/ me? I just took a look into iA Writer and 1Writer and it seems they use a different tag system (#tag inside the document) and I don’t know how to get the tags from nvAlt documents to inside the documents. Will there be a conversion method in the upcoming nvUltra?

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Brett 5y, 206d ago

nvALT uses OpenMeta tags, which are now deprecated. In order to translate them to nvUltra, you need to either convert them to macOS tags (there are scripts available to do this) or use a script to add the OpenMeta tags as metadata tags, which is more complicated. It's not a conversion process we currently have planned for initial release, though it is one I'd consider useful and may look into.

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Blumenberg 5y, 206d ago

So it sounds a little bit like I’m going to loose my tags if I switch from nvALT to nvUltra -- at least in the first version/beginning.

Actually I found a script ( ) -- but sadly I have no idea what to do with it :(

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unverified 5y, 125d ago
  1. download the raw script
  2. (preferably) place it into the folder where your notes are stored
  3. open terminal
  4. '''cd''' into the directory where your notes are stored
  5. type in '''sh -onlyin'''
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donnacha 5y, 212d ago [edited]

Is there any reason why Google Drive, using Google Drive File Stream to sync to a local folder, might not work well with nvUltra?

I am another happy nvAlt + SimpleNote user who is not crazy about the idea of depending on DropBox or iCloud. I have some stuff on DropBox but recent moves suggest to me that, as a company, they are having difficulties justifying their $7bn+ valuation and want to become more than just a file storage system. I don't trust them not to fuck it up and began more rapidly shifting away after their most recent snafu

I have reservations, of course, about Google's tendency to close services I rely on but am reasonably confident that Google Drive will stick around for a while. Also, $12 per month for G Suite with unlimited Drive storage (whereas iCloud at $10 is limited to 2 TB) is undeniably the best deal around. It may actually be a more popular among your users than DropBox.

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Brett 5y, 211d ago

Any sync solution that makes files locally accessible (either dropbox-style or a network mount) will work fine. That's the point of the "any folder" approach: anywhere you can put a folder, you can work with. And your folders aren't stuck on any one service, you can effortlessly up and move to an entirely different sync service just by moving your folder.

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Guillermo 5y, 213d ago

Great to read about the progress. I really like to keep notes in nvALT.

  1. How do I transfer all notes from Simplenote to Dropbox?
  2. What clients are compatible with the new multi bucket format on iOS, Linux and Windows?
  3. What is the multi bucket formats technical name?
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Brett 5y, 212d ago

If you tell nvALT to store individual files (plain text) on disk and point the storage folder to a Dropbox folder (Preferences->Notes), it will just write all of your files out automatically.

There's no "multi-bucket format", specifically. It simply means that we use any folder you open. So any client that can read text files from a folder is a candidate.

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Guillermo 5y, 199d ago

Thanks for your reply. That makes the transfer to nvUltra easy. But what to do on iOS? I haven't found and third party app for this, I am using Simplenote's app. Will you release an app for iOS as well? I guess that since the files are just plain text there are probably some apps already that can handle this. Although I like the user experience with the Simplenote app. Which apps do you recommend?

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Brett 5y, 199d ago

We do have an iOS app on the roadmap, but for not I generally recommend 1Writer.

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Guillermo 5y, 194d ago [edited]

Nice. But you where very discrete. I googled for text editors on iOS and landed on your site again! :D

Which one do you recommend today?

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1nG1hRn8 5y, 218d ago

How would nvultra compare, in terms of strengths and/or differences, with everything bucket solutions like keepit or DEVONthink?

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Brett 5y, 212d ago

nvUltra is not going to be the vast information management system that an app like DEVONthink is. It's a lightweight, efficient means of taking notes. That said, it can handle finding similar notes to the current one, as well as tagging, so it goes beyond just a scratchpad. But if someone asked me if nvUltra can replace DEVONthink, I'd have to say no as the use cases are different enough.

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u3dcKc7i 5y, 220d ago [edited]

the anticipation is killing me! i’m excited and i love the dynamo that is brett and fletcher—what exciting things does the future hold?

i like 1writer muchly, but have finally started settling down on drafts for iOS and multimarkdown composer on macOS (letting ulysses and bear subscriptions expire this month).

i love the “drafts is where text is born” and the automation has been super useful. i now wonder how best to create a drafts (born/capture/route) + nvultra (textbase/zettelkasten) + multimarkdown composer (compose/write/create) workflow. is it possible for nvultra and drafts to play well together, eg tagging? if they can share the same folder as 1writer does, that would allow me to use both for their different strengths and abilities.

it sounds like nvultra may also help solve my only thorny issue with pure text: images (and perhaps other visual, multimedia assets). multimarkdown composer has gone such a long way (with drag and drop) to letting me write but include images.

i believe someone else commented below: i wish we could see the images inline rather than just seeing the path/filename, but i’m happy waiting till a “2.0” or perhaps only seeing them in preview or marked2.

thanks to you both! i can’t wait to give you my money!

(oh weird! comments didn’t log me in. didn’t mean to make this anonymous.)

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Blumenberg 5y, 222d ago

I'm really thinking about how to get around the upcoming loss of SimpleNote sync … SimpleNote sync allowed a device independent access to my notes via the web interface. The only solution would be via Dropbox - which I want to avoid (→ other limitations, privacy and company policy). So via iCloud it would be device/hardware dependent. Hhmm (scratching head).

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unverified 5y, 204d ago

There are options other than Dropbox that would give you privacy and usability on multiple platforms. Syncthing allows you to do peer to peer syncing between devices. Nothing has to be stored on a server. That's what I'm using. There's some setup involved, but it's not particularly difficult.

There are Dropbox-like services that are far more private. Some allow you to sync files to devices that are connected. That kind of functionality can have costs attached to them.

Nextcloud lets you create your own Dropbox style system on your own server. You can even use a shared virtual host if you'd like, though it's probably less private than the kinds of services in the preceding paragraph. That's still probably a lot better than Dropbox in that regard, though. It requires some setup, but it's not extreme at all. It can usually be done through cPanel if you have a hosting account.

If you encrypt the notes, you can store them on Dropbox or wherever, as long as you can decrypt them on all devices you want to use NVultra on.

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1TD2W98R 5y, 203d ago

Ok, I thought about that one too … but unfortunatelyI didn’t found any compatible iOS Text App. It’s either Dropbox or iCloud. And iCloud would be ok if I stay w/ iOS and macOS only.

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unverified 5y, 107d ago

Resilio Sync is a good P2P sync solution

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uchoa 5y, 215d ago

Consider Google Drive.

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SquidMark 5y, 223d ago [edited]

Would it be possible to get linked images to appear inline in the editor window instead of just in the preview window? My favorite Markdown editor is FoldingText because I can preview and edit content in the same pane.

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unverified 5y, 223d ago

I'm confused… with nvALT a right click gets you the full menu.

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Brett 5y, 212d ago

If you're talking about the menu bar status item, right click doesn't get you anything close to the full menu. It gets a very limited contextual menu.

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jackbrannen 5y, 223d ago

Can’t wait! Thanks for your hard work!

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jb 5y, 224d ago

Very bummed about losing Simplenote sync. Not sure the gain of accessing multiple folders is worth the loss to be honest.

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Yd0Iq5Tm 5y, 224d ago

Sound really great! I like the 'drag anything' functionality. I think your choices make a lot of sense considering the most likely audience.

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