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unverified 5y, 279d ago

Will nvUltra allow password-protection (like nvAlt)? Pretty please?

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unverified 5y, 285d ago

Go Brett! Go Brett! Yeah, I'm more than a little excited about having nvUltra back in my world.

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unverified 5y, 287d ago

Please don't be a subscription. Paid upgrades make sense or a model like Sketch uses. These models are sustainable and fair to both parties. Subscriptions are mega-corps like Microsoft and Adobe taking advantage of their virtual monopolies.

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Aaron 5y, 293d ago

I'm not crazy about subscriptions, but this app is probably one I'd be willing to sign up for.

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unverified 5y, 293d ago

Oh yes!

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jackbrannen 5y, 293d ago


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unverified 5y, 294d ago

Congrats!! Looking forward to buying this (please be a subscription - I desperately need this app to survive and prosper).

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unverified 5y, 294d ago

Stoked! Also really hoping that Simplenote support will be integrated, as I've relied on the combo for years. Thanks for the update Brett :)

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unverified 5y, 294d ago

I have too, especially since I can get out my old G3 (Pismo) PowerBook and use notational velocity on it and it syncs with my current generation hardware. That being said, if there is a new way of syncing that is equally effective, I’m willing to change things up a bit.

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0Egpcxt6 5y, 294d ago

Brett said in a reply to my comment (not that you have any way of knowing who I am :) on the previous post that they wouldn't be doing Simplenote, just flat files. I imagine there is a good alternative compatible app we could all use, I just haven't tried looking for one so far.

Given that though, I think my request would be to fix a couple of display bugs in the current app - NVAlt - if at all possible - e.g. there's one where only part of the screen updates when navigating through notes so you see part of the previous note as well.

And yep a modest subscription price would be fine with me to guarantee ongoing development (as the original Notational Velocity hasn't been updated since 2011).

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