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unverified 3y, 361d ago
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unverified 4y, 168d ago

Deeply inspiring. Thanks.

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xiTqn1Mc 4y, 174d ago

[Depression] never is [just be a couple of days off, catching up on sleep, getting back to normal], and I don’t know why I never remember that.

Writing this post is an example of the difference. While I’m manic I assume that people want to hear what I have to say. I assume that people are interested in what’s happening to me, and that what I can share might help them in their own lives. When I’m depressed, it’s the opposite. I assume that nobody wants to hear from me, that nobody could possibly care enough about what I have to say for it to matter

Would it help to write them as notes to your future self, maybe the manic-you, or as a message in a bottle to the next depressive phase-you?

In depression, I've had two distinct experiences. One of them is profound self-loathing, the other is an utter lack of feeling and motivation. During one of the worse self-loathing episodes I was able to write down how I felt. Frankly, it was probably a preparation for a suicide note. Nevertheless it has since given me a lasting record of how bad it can get. Of course, during the lack of feeling & motivation phase, I can only remember a numb grayness.

Nevertheless, here's a random internet voice thanking you for writing this. You're not alone.

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Allison 4y, 175d ago

I really appreciate you explaining how this feels. I have no idea what it's like and maybe will never understand but every little bit helps open the window a smidge farther.

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