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unverified 4y, 78d ago

I'm in Lincoln and having real difficulty on The Phone Co-op network. Only 1 or maybe 2 bars if connected at all. I'm using an old Nokia so 3G (?). Could this have anything to do with them turning 5G equipment on recently?

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unverified 4y, 34d ago

E-mail and webmail services not working since early Sunday. Internet OK now, was laggy yesterday

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unverified 3y, 350d ago

No wifi in Todmorden, neither on phone or TV. What's the problem?

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VUjCTGlP 2y, 240d ago

frequest intermitent dropping internet connection. This has been occurring daily several times for several weeks. Location N14 5LE Please advise

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unverified 2y, 82d ago

Is there a general outage in LD8 2NL?

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unverified 1y, 298d ago

Website just not loading. For the last 12 hours. No response to emails. Poor.

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unverified 1y, 163d ago

I am having problems opening my email account at this address :

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