Hi Brett,
Bunch is amazing, thank you so much for doing it.
Could this works with BTT instead of Moom? Maybe using the save restore window layout action in BTT.
BTT is easy. Once you have a trigger (any kind of trigger) for the action you want to perform, right click on the trigger in the left column and choose "Copy link to activate the trigger." Then paste that link into a Bunch on its own line and it will trigger your action. Add another one with an exclamation point to trigger a different action when closing the Bunch.
(waiting for deletion)
I took this idea one half-step further: made a similar "Work" bunch + Moom setup with Slack/Teams/VS Code/iTerm/Safari all just-so across three monitors, with appropriate projects and folders loaded. Then added a script line to the bunch that tells the lights above my desk to turn on at 25%.
It started of course, as a procrastiworking "this would be silly and fun" distraction, but now it makes me happy each morning when I site down.
And don't think I'm not wondering if I can somehow trigger this all when my watch unlocks my Mac on a weekday...
I have been following your activities with interest for some time now but never really found anything in your library of clever ideas that chimed with my particular style of working until bunch appeared. Particularly with moom in support this is right up my alley and I will be using it daily and making a payment. That was a very productive one hour you had when you got this going.
Thanks for using Moom and recommending it, Brett. This is really cool!
Speaking as the guy who implemented it, it's really nice to see Moom's (admittedly limited) AppleScript functionality used in the wild. With ivory tower features like that, you sometimes wonder if they're worthwhile. Then feedback like yours comes along, and you realize that yes, they are worthwhile. :)
FYI, Moom snapshots always record all windows — the "Ignore obstructed windows" checkbox only determines which window positions/sizes are used when you apply the snapshot. So you don't actually have to update the snapshot after unchecking that checkbox. You can toggle the checkbox at any time.
@JakeBernstein: Your research is correct — as of now, Moom can indeed only interact with windows on visible Spaces. (Spaces are the bane of any window-related utility developer's existence, at least as long as they're trying to stick to official APIs.)
Do you know if one snapshot captures across workspaces? Or is it one snapshot per workspace? I have 2 screens and uhh...9...workspaces on a regular basis (4 on the MBP screen and 5 on the 32" 4K monitor). This is AMAZING, but just curious if I should redo my bunches by workspace...
Not sure, I've never gotten into using Spaces. My assumption would be that it doesn't work across spaces, though.
Is it possible to batch run Bunches then within a "master Bunch?" In other words, say I need to set a Bunch with Moom Snapshot for each space. Rather than activate 9 separate bunches, it'd be great to have one Bunch that just calls the other 9 in order.
But now that I think about it more, Snapshot DOES work across spaces, at least the ones that are visible on screens because I think just having multiple monitors creates multiple spaces...fun question to research!