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aZo5g8T6 4y, 133d ago

Installed Teleprompter CSS, yet I can't seem to get this to work under Big Sur 11.0 beta 20A5395g. Nothing in the logs, and according to the web inspector everything is working properly. This isn't to say I would expect everything to work just fine in this env, primarily an FYI --unless someone has pointers?

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unverified 4y, 278d ago

Thanks for the reminder; I'd not thought of this option for teleprompting. I will use ... but on my new MacMini running latest version of Catalina it is rather jittery ... certainly nothing like as smooth as your video in your 2013 post. I can't find any options to do with smooth scrolling in the app. Is there something to be aware of?

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Brett 4y, 278d ago

I just fixed the jitters this morning! I'll have a new release out as soon as possible.

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unverified 4y, 278d ago

Thanks, good sir. Do you have a cure for the national jitters as well?!

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Brett 4y, 277d ago

I'm afraid that one is outside my area of expertise.

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unverified 4y, 283d ago

Is it case sensitive? Can there be spaces or line breaks within the comment?

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Brett 4y, 278d ago

As of next release, it's case insensitive and spaces (not linebreaks, but not sure why you'd do that) are fine. The colon has to come right after the word pause, but there can be space between the colon and digits. e.g. <!-- pause: 10 --> works.

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Brett 4y, 282d ago

It is case sensitive (for now, that may relax in future releases). Spaces are allowed before and after but not around the colon. Newlines will break it. Is there some reason just using the prescribed formatting is an issue?

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