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unverified 4y, 125d ago

Sooo. Is this still on its way? I was a longtime user of nvAlt, and have just started using Drafts since I was unclear where things were going.

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unverified 4y, 89d ago

same here

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Brett 4y, 122d ago

Very close to a commercial release, yes.

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unverified 4y, 118d ago


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ABitMoreDepth 4y, 262d ago

I guess there's no chance this will be cross-platform? I'd absolutely love a linux version of this!

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unverified 4y, 281d ago

hi! any news on nvultra?

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Brett 4y, 281d ago

see comment above.

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unverified 4y, 201d ago

Any news?

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unverified 4y, 284d ago

any news? Could you share a public alpha/beta?

Many thanks for your work

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Brett 4y, 284d ago

It's unlikely we'll have a public beta before release, but we're working on setting an ETA right now.

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ZyU5198q 4y, 362d ago

is it coming? should I keep use nvALT?

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unverified 5y, 96d ago

Great news! Would it be possible for notes to remember where you were? I have some longer notes that I use as a hyperlinked index. It's nice to follow a link and then come back to where you were.

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unverified 5y, 100d ago

Any update on a release? Anxiously awaiting it's arrival, so please don't pull a guns n roses on us with this. I love your work btw.

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Brett 5y, 99d ago

I appreciate the Chinese Democracy reference :). But seriously, things are going well and we should have an ETA nailed down this month.

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unverified 4y, 216d ago

Looking forward to it! (Looking even more forward to the release itself of course).

I cannot tell you have happy I am about this project! I've been using Bear since I absolutely needed image support, but while the interface is good for what it is… it doesn't have the wonderful omnibar for the NV family of apps. I miss it so much! Everything just felt so fast and smooth with it!

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unverified 5y, 86d ago

All references aside, I feel like I've heard that one before. Don't do me like Dre did either! Now better part of way thru month so what's the word?

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Brett 5y, 85d ago [edited]

We have an internal ETA but there’s still room for slippage, so not a public ETA. This is still going to require some patience on your part.

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unverified 5y, 104d ago

nvUltra sounds fine. Please make it also available for older macOS Versions! For me would be 10.11 great. Thx!

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Brett 5y, 103d ago

I think you underestimate the level of effort required to support operating systems 4 versions behind the current. That said, I think we do currently run on 10.11, but no guarantees.

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unverified 5y, 106d ago

ttNote - descriptive, but reminiscent of ttscoff.

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Brett 5y, 105d ago

Hah, I like it, but it totally leaves Fletcher out of the name :).

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unverified 5y, 106d ago

... as in "totally text Note"

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unverified 5y, 138d ago


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unverified 5y, 150d ago

Well, I can only say thanks. If the new one is just a tad better than this I will be happy. A couple of names: Notesmith and Typemonger


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unverified 5y, 155d ago

For a name, what about: nirvana

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unverified 5y, 211d ago

Love that you are doing this. I need a place to put all my notes and I dont like Ulysses' look and feel. Also need the iOS version... but I think there are other options there provided the notes are available.

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unverified 5y, 215d ago

Really looking forward to this. Love the simplicity and ubiquity of drive-backed text files, synced on macOS and iOS. I used to have a few notes apps back in the day syncing via dropbox, but Dropbox and the apps just bloated over time and it all decayed.

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unverified 5y, 216d ago

How will you handle encryption, will each file be encrypted if its working in folder structures?

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unverified 5y, 218d ago

Some suggestions

  • velox
  • celerity
  • alacrity
  • legerity (which is probably my favorite, since it is similar to "ledger" Maybe "ledgerity"?
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unverified 5y, 202d ago

alacrity is too similar to, I think

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unverified 5y, 227d ago

one more for nvUltra as name. I can't imagine working without nvALT. The most useful features are instant saving so that it is immediately available on all devices; being able to read notes on the iPhone (for example on the run in an airport) with Simplenote; tagging notes; never having to touch a mouse; plus the very simple straight-forward interface. Would much prefer to pay for updates and happy to do so than subscription. Echo the comment about pre-pay.

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WWpwEXV1 5y, 237d ago [edited]

Can you compile it for Linux? It would be great to have it on Ubuntu with gnome, but especially on i3/sway based tiled window managers. It feels so much like nvALT and these fast tiled window managers belong together.

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iainbryson 5y, 256d ago

Is there any way to pre-pay for this? I've gotten a ton of value out of nvAlt over the years and I'd love you return some of that value.

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Brett 5y, 255d ago

I'm sincerely hopeful that we have it ready for release in the next month, but if it takes any longer than that I'll be seriously considering pre-sales. I'm going broke in the meantime :).

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unverified 5y, 218d ago

+1 for pre-sales - got some cash in my pocket with your name on it :)

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unverified 5y, 229d ago

Any updates here? More than willing to put down some $ for this!

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unverified 5y, 271d ago

guys. i am hoping for a little help. i have been relying on notational velocity as my business note taking app on my mac pro desktop and my mac air laptop. additionally i have been using it to sync to my iphone. because i jump around quite a bit i am afraid i am finding ALL my devices are out of sync. and i am not sure what is going on. the laptop would normally be the most "up to date" in the sense that i do the most editing on it but can anyone please explain to me what is going on? the fact that SIMPLENOTE broke the sync means that all my devices (iphone, laptop and desktop) have been unsynced since the sync was broken?! meaning i now have notes on one device that may not be on another (for all three devices) and also notes that have been EDITED on one that was not updated on another? and how to get out of this mess? there appears to be a database in my "notational velocity" FOLDER on both the mac pro and the mac air where the notes for that individual device are now stored? totally independent of any other device at this point? i ask because i am thinking to print out all the notes from the MAC PRO, and then edit the data on the MAC AIR so that i now have one proofed set of notes. anything i need to do with the SYNC SETTINGS ? right now i have both computers set to READ NOTES FROM FOLDER "Notational Data" AND i have it set to "SYNCHRONIZE WITH SIMPLENOTE" via my email login and password for Simplenote. THANK YOU for reading and thanks to anyone willing to dumb this down a bit as i am obviously not a programmer. is there a way to TRACK CHANGES and let nVALT or nvUltra reconcile them automatically?! THANKS

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Brett 5y, 270d ago

You just need to enable "save as individual text files", copy all the folders to one machine, and use any folder sync app (Smart Folder Sync, Forklift, etc) to reconcile the differences. We recommend Dropbox or similar for sync in the future.

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unverified 5y, 271d ago

Someone has to do it. - Notey McNoteface

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unverified 5y, 272d ago

Name Suggestion: NVOS - NV On Steroids

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unverified 5y, 272d ago

Will password protection of notes be an option (like it is for nvAlt)? Pretty please? Thanks!

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unverified 5y, 275d ago

nvAltra both a nod to nvALT and a near homophone of nvUltra

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unverified 5y, 280d ago

Oh my goodness, this is so exciting! Can't wait for the updates. Thanks!

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unverified 5y, 282d ago

Will nvUltra be open sourced?

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Brett 5y, 281d ago

No, it's a fully commercial app.

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unverified 5y, 284d ago

Just what I was looking for today! I did a search and found this great news! Can't wait!

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micahredding 5y, 288d ago

Small feature request: Clickable #hashtags.

Together with [[double-bracket links]], this would give it feature parity with my other favorite plain-text app of choice.

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unverified 5y, 275d ago


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FkgQlQAB 5y, 288d ago


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unverified 5y, 296d ago

nvULTRA is a badass name❤️. Here's one vote for sticking with it. Anyone second the motion?

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unverified 5y, 297d ago

nvWiki, wikiNote, altWiki? Anyway, I'm a mobile developer if you need any help with the project. Can't wait for the product, keep up the great work, guys!

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unverified 5y, 298d ago

Like many, I do like the sound of nvUltra.

What about NoteCommand or CommandNote, perhaps ⌘Note or Note⌘

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unverified 5y, 298d ago

Any chance that highlighting will be included?

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Brett 5y, 297d ago


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unverified 5y, 298d ago

I feel like I'm a little late to the dance but wanted to say I'm sooooo excited about "son of NVAlt". NVAlt and MultiMarkdown Composer have been at the core of my workflow since 2012. Looking forward to the next evolution of NVAlt. The two of you really are a dream team for this kind of forward-looking tool. Great stuff!

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unverified 5y, 299d ago

Requests (please!) - A wysiwyg option, similar to IA Writer - Tags, with hierarchy (as in Bear notes). This is more important to me (and way more useful) than multiple folders - Some quick and easy method of adding images to notes.

PS, one formatting option missing from Markdown (imho), especially relating to note taking , is highlighting.

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unverified 5y, 299d ago

Those are very good news! But regarding tags, why use the OS ones? Why not go the Bear way and automatically index inline hashtags? I find those a lot easier and future-proof.

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unverified 5y, 301d ago

re Naming:

  • TopNotch
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unverified 5y, 308d ago

I'm so excited for this! I've got around the lack of subdirectory support by creating a Keyboard Maestro shortcut that helps me quickly change the directory nvALT is looking in so that I can quickly switch contexts (e.g., from a personal to a work context / sub-folder).

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unverified 5y, 310d ago

+1 for Simplenote / something cross-platform, otherwise I will be forced to stick to simplenote. At the very least something I can use to read nvUltra notes on Android/iOS.

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unverified 5y, 313d ago

How can I get all my notes to a thumb drive so I can get them off my work computer to my home computer? where do the files reside? Thanks!

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Brett 5y, 312d ago

From where? nvALT?

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unverified 5y, 314d ago

You've got the name. nvUltra is perfect. Very excited for the folder options.

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unverified 5y, 315d ago

This is really great to hear. nvAlt is an indispensable part of my workflow. I call it "the brain". Honestly nvUltra works!

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feanne 5y, 316d ago

Oh my goodness! I'm so excited!!!

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unverified 5y, 322d ago

Forgive lack of English. nvAlt not work well on Mojave Beta. Find and replace function cause crash in Mojave 10.14.5 Beta 4.

Look forward to new nvAlt

Like name of nvRedux

Thank for everything

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xJAUYtXq 5y, 201d ago

A least once a quarter I have a small emotional breakdown over the fact that apple has abandoned HyperCard. It would be the silver bullet for so many things I do. God I loved that software.

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unverified 5y, 325d ago


I'd prefer Envy. It's clearly a homage to a related but separate development. nvUltra carries the implication of being the newest version of nvALT. Because it breaks simplenote support, this might set the wrong impression for people familiar with previous work., For newcomers it's a meaningless term.

Wiki-style links and note creation

The note-creation mechanisms + wiki-style links of nvALT made me extremely eager to to throw money at any nv-related product created by you. Issues with starting the program on recent versions of macos forced me to start using The Archive. The only real gripe I have with it is that it doesn't provide suggestions like nvALT does when creating a new link.

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unverified 5y, 330d ago

Excellent news for plain text lovers. I'm using both, nvALT and MultiMarkdown Composer almost every day and Envy or nvUltra ("DeepNote" would also sound nice to my ears) will surely be an instant buy. I thank you in advance for not putting plain text in some database. As modern als Bear or Ulysses may look, their tendency to hide my text files away from other apps is disturbing and the contrary of the idea of plain text.

In case you are lacking more feature requests (or at least feedback on preferred usage cases): A robust #hashtag support would be nice - automatic detection and automatic file list filtering. Be sure to take The Archive for a test ride (another nice Notational Velocity reimagination). iA Writer also has basic hashtag recognition and navigation.

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XH1yQE4f 5y, 334d ago

Such a good news !

I would really like if it could integrates YAML codes for tags, etc. I would like a lot plain text md but with a kind of WYSIWYG live rendering like in Typora. Please keep the hypertext facility with a markdown notation.

best regards, I can’t wait to see the new soft

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IZOLRZpa 5y, 334d ago [edited]

This is great to hear, BUT lack of Android port or Simplenote integration makes it an absolute dealbreaker for many who work on across MacOS/iOS/Android devices. What's your strategy here?

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Brett 5y, 333d ago

It's plain text, and works with any file syncing solution you have access to. There are Dropbox/Google Drive editors on all of these platforms.

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ZSM2cx7S 5y, 333d ago [edited]

Yes, the combination of Simplenote on the iPhone (large clear font!) and nvALT on the Mac is a winning combination. If nvUltra breaks this then it will be just another notepad - see my remark elsewhere about FS Notes

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unverified 5y, 335d ago [edited]

PLEASE add tabs to see many notes at once and add "back/forward" to jump between previous and next notes in your history. When you search something and want to go back instantly - now you can't.

Those are dealbreakers for nvAlt/Notational Velocity.

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bJWBiDQ2 5y, 96d ago

Yes, forward and back options would be really useful. Particularly in conjunction with taking you to the same point in the document that you were editing at.

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unverified 5y, 335d ago

Can I just ask - I'm a total nvALT addict - that if nvULTRA is abandoning Simplenote sync and going for iCloud and separate folders, how your end product will differ from Oleksandr Glushchenko's FS Notes, which clains to be 'nvALT on steroids'!

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unverified 5y, 298d ago

Thanks for mentioning FSNotes. Looks really promising and might be just the thing for my wife because of it's built in task category. She gave up on NValt due to repeated crashes.

Brett, I'm really looking forward to the beta and my name is near the top of the list, but I'm going to dive into FSNotes. Looks like a polished project.

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unverified 5y, 339d ago

well that is seriously good news!

this is obviously not the place for feature requests ... you know what's coming right? but please please please give us the ability to shift select different notes and see them all joined as if it was one note in the same window... like scrivener. that's the only reason i use scrivener...!

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unverified 5y, 340d ago

I'm a fan of nvALT and this is a great news. Is this going to be cross-platform?

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Bill 5y, 340d ago

Looking forward to it!

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VWSFNBYd 5y, 341d ago

Very glad to hear this. nvALT is an essential part of my work habits, and I was sad to see it in decline. Long live NVPlusUltra!

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unverified 5y, 341d ago

Bring it back home to ‘notational velocity’. Or nvALT+

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unverified 5y, 296d ago

I'm loving the pure simplicity and lineage embedded in nvALT+.

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unverified 5y, 341d ago

I like the nvUltra name. I am so effin' stoked about this...and in collaboration with Fletcher Penny? Unreal!

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ZSM2cx7S 5y, 335d ago

nvUltra is great - why worry about another name! That's what I'm going to call it anyway - whatever you decide!!!

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unverified 5y, 341d ago

First—awesome!! Can't wait to see it.

Second—I think nvUltra is a super cool name!—homage to MK Ultra, the CIA mind control program. It's appropriate since nvALT and nvUltra are practically super powers.

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unverified 5y, 342d ago

Just call it nvAlt. The legacy of nvAlt is unmatched in the MacOS community.

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unverified 5y, 336d ago


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unverified 5y, 342d ago

Being a huge fan of the work of both you and Fletcher, this is fantastic news. The very best wishes to your both with this.

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unverified 5y, 342d ago

notacity as twist on the notational velocity.

CTRLnv as twist on the old name, but showing better control?

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unverified 5y, 342d ago

EnvyUltra isn't bad. I also like keeping it simple and calling it nvULT.

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5a9Hthmr 5y, 341d ago

Envy or nvUlt works for me!

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unverified 5y, 342d ago

Very excited about this! I personally like Envy as previously suggested.

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7WSFMqOv 5y, 342d ago

I think the codename should be in the running for final contestant, but I also like the ideas about NV → Envy.

By the way, your markdown comment preview does something funny: While typing, the leading gets tighter, but then loosens up a second or so after the last keystroke.

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Taz 5y, 343d ago

How about “Envy” or “Note Envy” to pay homage to the app’s “NV” origins?

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l7aSrzdR 5y, 343d ago

Envy, that was my suggestion, too.

Alternatives: EnvyNotes, EnvyText, TextEnvy.

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

Does it write single markdown files in a folder?

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Brett 5y, 341d ago

Yes, just like using nvALT with plain text files instead of database mode. One file per note, nothing in there you didn't write. And you can add to the folder from anywhere and the app will pick up new files and index them. Plus, you can use any/multiple folders, and store assets in the same folder or subfolders without causing issues.

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

This is a very important question! Assets stored in an appropriate sub directory?

From the description, it sounds like this would be the case (at least re: single markdown files vs some, IMNSHO, abusive db/packaging solution...)

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unverified 5y, 343d ago


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David 5y, 38d ago

Love this!

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Aaron 5y, 298d ago

I really like this idea. We get to call it by the shorthand NV and it has a meaningful named spelled out.

NoteVault, the spiritual descendent of Notational Velocity.

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unverified 5y, 343d ago



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unverified 5y, 341d ago [edited]

NVforever. As is, your notes last forever as text.

Also, as in the update took forever, and yet we patiently waited with money in hand to by it. Only early adopters would get that.

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

just call it Note (as in Keynote or, indeed, in take note). Looking forward to it, no matter what you name it, though;)

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

TASN - The Art & Science of Notes

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

Epifany - misspelled intentionally

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unverified 5y, 343d ago


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unverified 5y, 343d ago

notehouse, notebin, notecache, notebox, noteroom (lol, those last two sound like dropbox and write room). Maybe the first one. good luck

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

oh yeah, "all in" is another name, and "Penny Notes"

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

Any chance of Simplenote compatibility? (in my case, mostly for IPhone syncing, but also the History feature has saved me a few times.)

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Brett 5y, 341d ago

We are not planning on dealing with Simplenote. We're keeping it limited to plain text files in a folder, the most universal and portable way to deal with notes. Sync via any file-based syncing service will be entirely possible, but not via a database-style API like SImplenote.

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unverified 4y, 281d ago

+1 for Simplenote. There no better way to look at nvalt notes in iOS.

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unverified 5y, 38d ago

Right on. Plain text simplicity paired with the open up and start typing swiftness is why I still use nvALT today.

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unverified 5y, 88d ago

iCloud integration would solve that very well for me using iPad, iPhone, and Mac. I did use SimpleNote integration but its not anything special that any file syncing wouldn't be... and versioning can be handled by a good backup solution on the user end for their Mac.

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OiQPEIG1 5y, 105d ago

Opting in for the Simplenote integration, I'm using it with nvAlt to sync up with iOS device and preserve history.

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ChrisPetrauskas 5y, 232d ago

+1 for Simperium or iCloud integration. Right now I use nvAlt on my workstation and laptop with the native Simplenote app on iOS all tied together with Simperium. Really works well. I've not had such good luck with text file based sync. Fully glad to pay what it takes. This chain of tools is central to my workflow.

Thanks and good luck!

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unverified 5y, 236d ago [edited]

I am voting for Simplenote integration too. Will probably stick to nvALT otherwise. But nvALT has started crashing a little too often now.

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jb 5y, 333d ago [edited]

Throwing in another vote for including Simplenote integration. Use it with nvalt all the time for the reasons listed (iOS app, web access, and history feature).

Thanks for picking this back up! I rely heavily on nvalt.

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

Needs ios/andriod options. nvalt is SO good, but I need to be able to access/edit stuff on my phone, and other apps don't match up.

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Brett 5y, 341d ago

iOS is likely coming. Inversely, Android is almost definitely not. Unless we make so much money on this that we can afford an Android dev, neither of us are likely to find motivation to get into it :).

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unverified 5y, 225d ago

Please make sure you start some kind of a crowdfunding for it, because I would actually pay for the Android version, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. :)

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unverified 5y, 343d ago

that’s it - perfect name for a quick, simple, uber flexible, honest (being all text based) notes app

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