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unverified 3y, 3d ago

Mi domain is rejecting all incoming emails.

DNS Error: 17281974 DNS type 'mx' lookup of responded with code NOERROR 17281974 DNS type 'mx' lookup of had no relevant answers. 17281974 DNS type 'aaaa' lookup of responded with code NOERROR 17281974 DNS type 'aaaa' lookup of had no relevant answers. 17281974 DNS type 'a' lookup of responded with code NOERROR 17281974 DNS type 'a' lookup of had no relevant answers.

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unverified 3y, 2d ago

Some domains are not being found at lookup. No DNS found or Not able to connect to server. Having logged into Enom, its clear there is something happening as although the account web pages enumerate the domains, the domains themselves do not get listed. If a successful search for a 'missing' domain is found, it confirms the domain registration details remain intact. This is possibly caused by the ongoing integration of Enom into Twocows systems.

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unverified 3y, 1d ago

Just to confirm there are still some issues, but it would seem for the particular domains that were not resolving yesterday that they are returning to 'normal' service, however at present it is still hit and miss.

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unverified 3y, 2d ago

we are having issues are well, not receiving emails as we have been told that the DNS is missing the MX

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unverified 3y, 1d ago

This still appears to be the case for some of the domains I am responsible for. When verifying the domain I get a no MX found. I think Enom are chanign the DNS structure as part of the migration, so that DNS checks are much stricter than previously, and may require tweaks to restore functionality (i.e. specifically declaring each host/subdomain, rather than relying on catchall behaviour, which previously worked) - I do not know for sure, this is purely conjecture, based on the observed behaviour, and open statements from the Enom team stating that things like TLS requirements are being updated, etc.

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unverified 3y, 1d ago

The account management dashboard appears to now be working correctly, so presumably the migration is complete (or as near as). Hopefully, service will resume as normal shortly if it hasn't for most affected domains already.

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