Header testing on prod (wahoo)
h1 (should be 3em)
h2 (should be 2.5em)
h3 (should be 2em)
h4 (should be 1.75em)
h5 (should be 1.5em)
h6 (should be 1.25em)
normal text
If the font sizes are different compared to these preview values, my suspicions are correct about the .node-data
tags messing things up are correct...
Oh cool, a platform that doesn't require a user to sign in! Pretty neat.
I approve!
Oh also here's some test code
let b = [0];let a=(function(){return this;}.bind(b)().map(_=>_)[0]=2)
console.log(a, b);
Yay, syntax highlighting! Don't ask how the above code works.
hmm, actually the code should probably have a larger line-height
...1.6 seems to do the trick for my client. Otherwise you might want to remove the background-color
on the code itself, as the pre
is already colored in.
Oh cool the box is resizable. Well, I guess it should technically only be resize on the y-axis but that's a nitpick.
Might check this out and compare it to giscus...
I tried to make an account on the unturf gitlab but when I sign in it says
Your account is pending approval from your GitLab administrator and hence blocked
Is this an error? I presume I'm unable to contribute without an account so I'm not sure how I am to make a pull request.
Not an error, I have to approve you! Lots of spammers! Reach me on email so I know what account to approve. Otherwise what user or email did you choose?
Kilogram Honda
is that you?
Just installed on my weblog at https://theaardvark.co.uk . Installation went nice and easy. Gonna give it a short test run and will definitely make a payment if it fits.
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You are great !!!
I wish you that this project makes your dreams come true :-)
I would like to create a team that can find a dream to realize together or invent a job for those who cannot do it alone.
I would be happy to talk to you and write you some ideas to promote your project :-) You should see my e-mail ... Do you want to write me?
Yep, I kind of dreamed of creating this myself for years, and, now that I really want to blog, I'll definitely give it a try, probably money, and possibly contribution.
Anyway, what are the guaranties that Remarkbox is, and will remain virtuous, regarding advertisement and user tracking? I guess I have to read the doc, ToS and fineprints a bit before I make my final decision.
BTW thanks for this work!
You are welcome!
Short answer, I dogfood Remarkbox, as a user first, founder second.
Some reading material to persuade your trust:
- https://www.remarkbox.com/remarkbox-is-now-pay-what-you-can.html
- Remarkbox and sister project MakePostSell are now open source public domain. Cheers.
Прикольно, а на WorldPress можно установить?
Small note: when I hide the preview, the toggle still shows 'hide preview', which doesn't make sense
WTF is this email about? I think its just phishing:
Magic sign-in link for comments | 50 | Remarkbox Hello! Thanks for joining the discussion.
Any thought about integrating some anti-spam measures? Perhaps Akismet or hCaptcha?
Also, is it possible to have up-voting of comments? Then I can use this as a Q&A system as well as chat
Nice looking, can I post with email?
When remarkbox goes, so do your comments. Self-hosting option please.
This is a nice, clean product, but from a solo, part-time developer, with a new product in development.
This input window is simple and clear, but the continuous, janky re-drawing of the preview, and horrible typography, makes this an unpleasant experience.
Otherwise, I love it, and I would like to use it, if Russell fixes a few things.
Hey there!
What if the previews where entirely optional, would that help?
As for typography, I'm at an honest loss and would love to fix or address this.
You may point your Namespace to a CSS Stylesheet to customize things and anything you think the world would benefit could be submitted upstream.
Please consider creating a thread over in the meta forum where we dogfood Remarkbox.
Hi Russell
Thanks for your reply, and suggestions.
I hope to give these a try in the next few days.
My immediate thoughts on typography are that h1, h2, etc headings are too visually intrusive in comments (just like shouting far too loud) and you should restrict Markdown options to bold, italic, code, and blockquotes.
If you do that, the preview is less janky and distracting.
Nevertheless, I think it still would be a great idea to have "Preview" header, and a toggle "show/hide" button above to the preview field. This would also make the two horizontal rules much less confusing when the preview field is empty.
Does your css option give full control of the comment entry field? If so, I would increase its font size, and stop the focus border getting cut off on the left and right sides.
Best regards