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unverified 4y, 239d ago

Came for the Boom 3D & SoundSource comparison. Thanks for that. While SoundSource is better and can get an amazing sound with AU effects. I got Boom 3D for free I really like the audio it makes, so I'll stick with it for now.

For player control check Silicio 3 it's possible the best.

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unverified 4y, 340d ago

Anyway to remove the App that is playing? I only use the Music App on MacOS and really don't need to have Song - Artist (Music)

I'm not a coder and cannot tell for the life of me to how to remove it!

Would really like to have the following format

Song : Album : Artist

Many thanks!

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Brett 4y, 339d ago

Removing the player would just mean deleting (#{@app}) from line 114. Adding Album would require some more extensive scripting.

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curlicue 5y, 27d ago

I highly recommend Bearded Spice as an open source music playback controller that supports iTunes, Spotify, but also websites including Soundcloud, Mixcloud, YouTube, etc.

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