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unverified 5y, 157d ago

Dear Brett,

how can this shell trick be modified for zsh?

Thank you!


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Brett 5y, 156d ago

It shouldn't be hard, most of the magic is in the ag command, not in the shell-specific stuff. That said, I'm not well-versed in Zsh (yet, that's next on my list of things to explore), so I'm not sure exactly what would need to be modified.

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Brett 5y, 156d ago

But for the record, here's the Fish version:

function lsgrep -d "Wildcard folder/file search"
    set -l needle (echo $argv|sed -E 's/\.([a-z0-9]+)$/\\.\1/'|sed -E 's/\?/./'| sed -E 's/[ *]/.*?/g')
    ag --depth 3 -S -g "$needle" 2> /dev/null
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Brett 5y, 156d ago [edited]

Actually, I just tested and it works fine as is in Zsh.

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