Just remembered these posts and was wondering if this project is still in the works? Keep up the great work! :)
I've been waiting for this for a while also, however it has taken a good long while! Just an FYI there is a very functional and actively developed Notational Velocity clone / update called FSNotes that has been doing the job. I assume a lot of people checking these posts already know about it.
I also can't wait to try this as I have been a long time user of nvAlt and Markdown. My cuurent setup is using MacDown on my iMac and 1Writer on my iPad. The notes files are stored in iCloud/1Writer/Notes as are the image files. This works brilliantly (previously the images were stored online in Droplr) Unfortunately nvAlt does not pick up the image files in iCloud. Is this something that nvUltra will be able to do?
I'm so freaking excited for this. Far more than I should be probably. :)
Can I make a request? Any chance to have a "Typewriter" mode? That is, the ability to keep the line of text we are currently typing always in the middle of the screen instead of moving further and further down the page? I started using this regular in the Paper app, among others, and it's so hard to go use a "regular" note app now. Thanks for considering it!