This is a quick and dirty Snow Leopard Service that scrapes to find a song related to your selected text in most applications. It replaces the selected text with an shortened link and the name of the first song it found (just to be sure you’re on the same page… literally). The code is also available as a TextMate command for those interested. Update: TextMate command with link selection popup.

The service (and TextMate command) require the Hpricot gem for ruby. In most cases, this should be installable from the command line with sudo gem install hpricot. If you see errors, you may need to update some Ruby components. Once that’s set, just install the workflow in ~/Library/Services and it should immediately start showing up in your services menu. Add a shortcut for it in Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services. Next time you’re tweeting or writing an email about a song, why not send a Songza link to back up your point?

Songza Lucky Link Service v1.1

A Snow Leopard Service to generate a shortened url to the first result of a search for the selected text. The text will remain, but it will have the result in parenthesis after it. Uses a built-in html parser to scrape the results, at least until Songza provides an API.

Published 03/20/10.

Updated 03/20/10. Changelog

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