nvNotes is a relatively new app for iPhone that emulates the note-taking style of Notational Velocity (and nvALT). With the omnibox search you can quickly find all related notes or start a new one immediately, and it makes taking notes a breeze and finding them simple.
nvNotes also works with GTD, allowing you to include @contexts in your notes and sorting them by context for an easy and flexible organization system. You can even specify a badge context such as @today to have currently available task notes add a badge to your homescreen icon.
There’s a url scheme available, so you can quickly launch nvNotes from apps like Launch Center Pro, too.
Right now nvNotes only supports iCloud sync with other iOS devices, which limits its utility a little bit. A full Dropbox sync would definitely be handy for syncing with a Notational Velocity/nvALT notes collection, and I believe such a solution is in the works. As a standalone note-taking solution, though, nvNotes is pretty great.
The developer of nvNotes has generously offered up five copies (US $1.99 value) of nvNotes to my readers. If you want a shot at a free promo code just leave a comment on this post. The drawing is completely random, and duplicate entries will be discarded. Open to everyone except (with apologies) our Canadian friends, whose laws surrounding such things make my head hurt.
Winners will be drawn at 12pm CST on Thursday, September 6th. Leave a comment and be entered in the drawing for a copy, and go check nvNotes out on iTunes. Also see it on the iTextEditors chart for more info and comparison.