GeekTool Weather Screenshot

I’ve received a few new languages for the Multilingual Weather and Forecast geeklet, including an updated version of the German translation and a new Catalan localization.

Modifying the geeklet to work with your language is as easy as renaming the locale-specific file to “weather_localization.rb” in the same folder as the script. Set your location and units of measurement in that file and you’ll get a forecast and local weather in your native tongue.

A quick review:

# Get the current weather
weatherparser.rb current

# Get the 5-day forecast
weatherparser.rb forecast

# Get both at the same time

The download includes icons that you can display as an image geeklet at any size and transparency. Just point the configuration to the folder where the icon should be updated, then create a new image geeklet with the “weathericon.png” file as its source. When the main weather geeklets update, that file will be replaced with an appropriate icon and your desktop will update automatically.

Localized GeekTool Weather and Forecast v1.5

Get the weather and forecast on your desktop in multiple languages. Includes French, German, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Catalan and Japanese with easy extensibility.

Published 07/31/12.

Updated 11/16/13. Changelog

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