Last week I posted my craziest Mac experiment in a while — a script that handles adding and updating myriad BetterTouchTool Touch Bar (and menu bar) widgets. A couple of days after I posted it, I ended up adding some widgets for Zoom that may actually be the most useful of the bunch.

Zoom buttons in the Touch Bar

My day job requires a lot of Zoom meetings. A lot for me, at least, coming from an indie dev world where Zoom meetings were mostly for occasional pandemic gatherings of friends and family. Now I’m in Zoom every day, multiple times a day.

I wanted easy buttons for controlling mic, camera, and sharing without having to focus the Zoom app. Keyboard shortcuts are ok, but they don’t provide visual feedback. So I found a plugin for my Stream Deck that did the trick nicely, letting me control Zoom functions outside the app with indicators for mute, camera, sharing, and even a Leave button for getting out of a meeting in one tap.

Having more to do with my Stream Deck than with the plugin, though, I kept getting communication errors that rendered the buttons useless at inopportune times. It always worked perfectly in testing, but then in an actual Zoom meeting I’d frequently be met with the yellow triangle that indicates plugin communication failure. So I decided to replicate the plugin in my Touch Bar.

Borrowing heavily from the code by Martijn Smit, I created mic, camera, sharing, and leave widgets for BetterTouchTool. These can all be installed and operated by the btt_stats.rb script I posted about last week. And all of the installation and usage information is in the README.

The widgets all show current status of their respective feature, toggle its state, and disappear when no meeting is active. You can even set them up to refresh their display within 1 second, instead of the 4-5 seconds the Stream Deck plugin takes to catch up with changes (owing to BetterTouchTool’s scriptability, not any shortcoming in the original code).

The scripts use Accessibility scripting to click the menu items, so you don’t have to assign shortcut keys. That also means that menu titles are hardcoded, and English-specific. However, I added a whole section to the config file where you can enter the menu titles for a different language and get the buttons to work with just a little translation.

Anyway, just a brief addendum to the craziness. See the original post for more details, and find the whole shebang on GitHub.