There have been some questions about what’s in my menu bar as shown in my Macworld session, The Efficient Mac User (this slide). Here’s the list (all 42 icons). It changes frequently, but this is what was running on the morning I grabbed the screenshot for the slide deck.

Left to right:

  1. Chrome notifications
  2. Visits
  3. GrowlVoice
  4. Glui
  5. Droplr
  6. Dropzone
  7. Shush
  8. System Volume
  9. Dropbox
  10. System Battery
  11. System Wifi
  12. System Clock
  13. Fantastical
  14. I’m Away
  15. Bartender
  16. Undock
  17. System Spotlight

(Notification center hidden completely, as I only ever access it via two-finger swipe).

Bartender bar

  1. SSH Proxy
  2. Bittorrent Sync
  3. AirVideo Server HD
  4. Leap Motion (Airspace)
  5. Fitbit
  6. Beam
  7. Climate (for my Nest thermostat)
  8. ControlPlane
  9. PopClip
  10. Simplify
  11. FastScripts
  12. Moom
  13. TextExpander
  14. Delibar
  15. Kiwi
  16. F.lux
  17. nvALT
  18. Cobook
  19. PowerMate
  20. BetterTouchTool
  21. System Airplay
  22. System Time Machine
  23. System Bluetooth
  24. System Fast User Switching
  25. Bartender preferences

For the record, I run all of these on a 13” MacBook Air with 8 Gigs of RAM. I watch my resources carefully, and none of these are causing issues. Notably missing is Arq, which I had quit while working on hotel wifi, and Day One, which usually has its quick entry menu bar icon showing.

Quite a few of the icons could be hidden, but thanks to Bartender, I can keep them around without overflowing my primary menu bar.