This is a quick mention of an iPhone app that I’ve been trying out and have come to really like. It’s called Slow Feeds, and it’s a special kind of RSS reader. It’s a beautiful interface and syncs with Google Reader, but its primary goal is a unique vision: sort and highlight feeds with lower post volumes so they don’t get lost in the river of news.

In my RSS lineup most of my favorite feeds post once or twice a day. I have to manually check those feeds because they’re barely noticeable if I view folders or posts from all subscriptions at once. This automates the process and puts those articles before the rest. It’s not a perfect system; it would be a herculean task of text processing to actually determine what was a thoughtfully considered blog post. This just goes by number of posts, but for me it’s a good method. Now I’m just wishing for an iPad version.

If your RSS feeds are a cacophony of link posts and loud, frequent opinions, check it out (US $2.99).