Markdown QuickTags 0.8 ScreenshotWe’re having a low-key holiday this year. I mean really low-key. Aditi’s napping on the couch, the dogs are all sleeping, the cats and the bird are lazily preening themselves and I just fixed Markdown QuickTags.

Markdown QuickTags, my WordPress plugin which adds a massive number of Markdown-editing features to the built-in post/page editor had broken with the release of WordPress 3.3. Basically, the quicktags.js file which generates the buttons in the HTML editor changed completely. For the better, of course, but that’s what Markdown QuickTags (hackishly) overrides to work its magic, and the change pulled the rug out from under the plugin. I had to rewrite a good portion of the JavaScript, and it took me a while just to figure out what was going on, but it’s back in action. I’m writing this post with it right now.

I added some new font options (served via Google Fonts), more size choices and a live editor preview from the settings page. I’m working on adding a few “themes” to the editor and making it a little more customizable, but it’s lower on my list than things like, um, working.

Eventually I’ll make a video of it in action, I think I’ve probably snuck in a few features that I’ve done a poor job of documenting, anyway. I revamped the look this time, too (much more Byword-esque) so a screenshot refresh is in order as well. But that’s for after Christmas.

Happy Holidays, hope you’re all having great times.

If you write in Markdown and use WordPress, you’d be insane not to try this out. Version 0.8 just became available in the WordPress Plugin Repository.