Update: Due to widespread issues, even with the second release attempt, the download has been updated to version 2.2 (121). It’s worked for all testers thus far. For more info on the issues, see here.

Please report issues on GitHub, not on Twitter or via email. It helps keep everything manageable and avoids us having to answer the same questions in a hundred different tweets and messages. Along the same lines, please take a look at existing tickets before starting a new one.

Sorry it’s been a slow week of posting here. Much to do.

Speaking of, nvALT ran into some trouble with Sierra that I hadn’t noticed because I’ve been cheating and running a dev version for so long. That prompted David and I to get this one last release of nvALT out and ensure stability for at least the next year.

In the meantime, we’re getting close to a BitWriter beta. This will be the replacement for nvALT, rewritten from the ground up and using modern code that will be easier to maintain moving forward. Keep your eyes peeled on this blog and Twitter, both ttscoff and nvALTApp will have beta signup and release news.

In the meantime, you can continue to report nvALT issues on GitHub, but I wouldn’t count on any future releases except in the case that I screwed something up on this update that breaks it for everyone.

Note that this release should run on 10.9 (not tested), but that’s the minimum. If you’re running something really old and nvALT is currently working for you, don’t update.

The release should show up in automatic updates (nvALT->Check For Updates), or download it directly below. Stay tuned for more BitWriter news!

nvALT v2.2.8 (128)

A fork of Notational Velocity with MultiMarkdown preview and advanced Markdown editing capabilities. Other good stuff.

Published 06/08/13.

Updated 09/19/17. Changelog

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