Flattr thisTabLinks 2.0 is finished, and it’s a total rewrite. The changes have been submitted to Apple, and if all goes well, TabLinks will be updated in the Extensions Gallery shortly. Here’s an overview of the changes:

Tab Links Preview

  • Opens a new tab instead of an overlay.
  • Adds %b (line break) to the template options. Use as many as you like, one will be inserted at the end of each line by default.
  • In preferences, you can choose to operate on all open windows, or just the current foreground window.
  • The template can be edited live from the TabLinks window. Save/Apply will update the links in the list with the new template.
  • Default template presets are included, accessible through the “Presets” button.
  • Clicking the links once will select the whole block, as will the “Select All” button.
  • Double-clicking the links will make them editable, changes are saved when you click or tab out of the box.

You can download the 2.0 release below, or wait for it to update in the Extensions Gallery.

TabLinks Safari Extension v3.0.0

TabLinks gathers all of the link information from every open tab and presents them for copying based on a user-defined template.

Published 06/18/10.

Updated 10/31/16. Changelog

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