Morning fog in the Valley

As some of you may know, my wife Aditi and I moved into a new house last week. It’s been a crazy week of settling in, but it’s already starting to feel like home. As it turns out, I’m less opposed to weekend projects than I had thought I would be. I’m not exactly handy, but I’m learning as I go.

Our house is on one of the highest ridges in our town in the unglaciated1 region of the Mississippi River Valley. My office includes an eight-foot-wide sliding glass door that faces out onto the valley below, and the view is incredible. I watch the fog roll into the valley every morning, roil and roll over itself and then dissipate as the sun rises. It very well might be one of those things I never get bored with seeing, much like the rest of this gorgeous area.

I made a time-lapse video of the view from my porch using a Nikon D60 connected to my MacBook Air and DSLRemote on my iPhone. A few hundred snaps later, here’s the video…

  1. It wasn’t flattened by glaciers. It’s a hard word to find a definition of, but I swear it’s a real word.