This is a very short post to mention that I’ve fallen in love with Pinboard. I’ve been using in it earnest ever since the day Yahoo said they were sunsetting Delicious, and now I feel stupid for not switching years ago. Even if Delicious survives, I’d never go back now.

Pinboard does it all, including the full-text search (for a reasonable upgrade fee) that I love about Seriously, check this stuff out. The API even directly mirrors the Delicious V1 API, so modifying scripts and apps which work with Delicious is as easy as changing the endpoint.

As an aside, I spent a little time last night playing around with porting some of Instapaper Beyond’s functionality to Pinboard. With the right settings, you can actually use Pinboard in the same fashion as Instapaper, just without the wicked iPad app. It has full support for read/unread and private/public posts. A few extra keyboard shortcuts would make it a dream for “postponed reading” on the Mac. You can even download offline copies of the last 25 bookmarks, complete with a table of contents.

If you surf the web, you need Pinboard. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

P.S. If anyone from Pinboard is listening, please add fromdt support to the API!